The Strike of Midnight

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader

Warning: None

Word Count: 1,853

Summary: The reader works with the Avengers, however she didn't inform them about a her three and six year old daughters. Will they welcome the children with open arms or turn them away?

 Will they welcome the children with open arms or turn them away?

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Groaning, your phone had gone off for the second time in a row. Glancing at the time, it had just struck midnight. Missing the phone call, it was inevitable that they would call back.



"Hello?" You questioned frustrated.

"I'm sorry to wake you." Bruce started sadly through the phone, "We need you to come in."

Letting out a sigh you responded, "Alright. I'll be right there."

"I know baby." You said lifting Mallory from her booster seat that she was sleeping in.

"Mommy." Fallon whined.

"I'm sorry baby." You said sympathetically. Lifting Fallon up, you began walking up to the conference room that you were needed in.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to join us." Tony said swiveling in his seat to face you, "You're lat- What is that?" His face fell in shock.

The rest of the Avengers, turned and looked towards you with the same expression as Tony.

"These are my daughters. Mallory and Fallon." You said smiling softly, attempting not to disturb your sleeping children.

"Here. Let's take them to our guest rooms, so they can sleep." Bruce said standing promptly, leading you to the rooms.

Tucking both girls in, you shut the door walking back to the conference room.

"Thank you, Bruce."

"Of course. I'd do anything for my nieces."

Chuckling lightly a warmth feeling washed over you. Bruce and you walked into the conference room sitting side by side.

"You have daughters?" Wanda questioned curiously.

Chuckling you responded, "Yes. Fallon is Six and Mallory is Three."

"Where is their father?" Tony quipped. "He should've watched the girls so you could be here."

Frowning your gaze fell into your lap. Bruce, took your hand squeezing it reassuringly.

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