"You know what, I have to go," I interrupted, quickly untying my apron and throwing in onto the kitchen counter, before making my way out the front door.

"But this is your house!" Theo yelled after me in confusion.

"It's fine, just go home when you're ready. There's something I have to do!" I yelled back, giving him a quick smile before pushing myself into a jog, making my way towards the forest.

I couldn't spend the next however long making myself go stir crazy with possible answers to my questions.

I needed to know the truth and I knew who I needed to hear it from. I continued to run in human form, knowing I couldn't shift due to the fact that I hadn't brought any spare clothes with me, but I didn't mind.

I hadn't been on a proper run in a while, and I enjoyed the feeling of adrenaline searing through my body, creating the feeling of almost floating through the forest.

I wracked my brain, thinking of all of the questions I wanted to ask Logan, hoping he would be willing too answer them. I wasn't too sure how I was going to approach this and what I was going to say, but I knew it needed to be done; for my own sanity.

I ignored the burning feeling in my chest as I continued to run, hopping over old tree stumps and logs, loving the feeling of the wind in my long thick hair.

I had forgotten how free I felt in the forest, remembering how it used to be favourite place for reading and writing before all of this happened.

As I approached the border to Logan's territory, I stopped to take a deep breath, trying to steady my breathing, but before I took another step, the noise of a twig snapping behind me echoed through my ears, causing me to instantly spin round in shock.


Furrowing my brows, I turned back around and continued on towards Logan's territory, taking slow and steady steps, trying to make as little noise as possible.

The bushes beside me swayed vigorously, and I knew it wasn't from the wind. Panic struck me and I stumbled backwards, feeling helpless in my human form. "Hello?"

Just as I was about to shift into my wolf for my own protection, a loud growl vibrated the ground from behind me, and I spun on my heels, holding back a scream as best I could.


In front of me stood a tall man in nothing but a pair of denim shorts, and a large dark grey wolf.

"You know my name?" I asked, taken aback.

The man nodded. "We heard somebody approaching, so we came out to investigate. Didn't expect to see you here though."

"You're part of Logan's pack?"

The man smiled, flashing a row of white teeth. "You mean the Dark Moon pack? The best pack to ever grace the planet? Of course."

I huffed with laughter, rolling my eyes. "I came to see Logan."

"We wouldn't expect you for any other reason Eliza. Please, follow us," the man said as they led me through the remainder of the forest, pulling back heavy shrubbing, allowing me to walk through without getting hit.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, biting on my nails nervously.

"Logan's a good friend of ours. He needs someone he can vent to, but, don't worry, the secret is safe with us."

I nodded as a thank you, appreciating the fact that they weren't going to tell anyone that Logan and I were mates, however, I couldn't help but wonder how many people Logan had told.

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