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The very next day, Boboiboy walking idly on the footpath, he spots Yaya ( not selling her poisonous cookies this time ) and thinks that this might be time to tell her about his feelings for her.

Boboiboy slowly approaches her as she notices him.

Yaya: Hi Boboiboy, what are you doing here?

Boboiboy : um..............................Y.....Yaya.

Yaya : yes Boboiboy ?

Boboiboy: uh........................I.....................................I...wanted to say.........................

Yaya ( rapidly, without a pause ): okay tell that in a second, I want to tell you something even better .

Boboiboy : o.................okay

Yaya : did you hear about fang and ying ? do you know how I came to know about that ? can you tell me how did you came to know about that ? 

Boboiboy : um..................................can you ask one question .

Yaya : give answers respective to the questions .

Boboiboy : um...................................yes,no,yes.

Yaya : I spotted them outside my window .

Boboiboy : so.......................so did I .

Yaya : wow ! now , you were telling me something .

Boboiboy : ya...............ya I was.......say.....................saying that................uh...................um

Yaya : can you say it clearly.

"This is a golden opportunity boboiboy , you can do it .", he thought to himself

Boboiboy : a..........................I.................I................uh......................a............................I.......uh

Yaya ( frustrated ) : can you stop stammering .

Boboiboy : a...................................I.....................I......a.......................am..uh...........um..I

Yaya ( very frustrated ) : STOP STAMMERING !!!!!

Boboiboy ( a bit scared ) : Uh..............................um......a...a.I ju..................I.............I.

Yaya : hmph !! ( went away )

boboiboy's mind says, "are you a jerk boboiboy , you missed another chance"

---------------------------------behind the scenes------------------------

Me : that is the question that arrives in mind

Yaya : I think you are a jerk boboiboy .

Boboiboy : that is not my fault .

Me : oh yeah , than whose fault it is ?? 

Boboiboy ( pointing at me ) : aren't you writing the story , that is totally your fault

Me : hey ! remember that I have the ultimate power . I can kill you with a press of a button .

Boboiboy, Yaya ( scared ) : you would not do that , will you ?

Me : unless I have to , then I might

Boboiboy, Yaya ( very scared ) : No !!


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