Twenty-two: Gonna Miss You

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Dad and I continued talking about my change in plans over dessert. He wanted to know more about why I wanted to become a chef. And by the end of our conversation, he said he thought I'd made the right choice in deciding not to go to university.

"As I mentioned before," Dad said, "You're allowed to change your mind. And it's a good thing you figured that you didn't want to go to university now rather than during your third year at McGill."

"That's true," I pushed my hair back. "That would have been rough. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to say to Mom."

Dad chuckled. "I guess we have her to thank for teaching you to cook. So she can't get too upset about it."

"You think she'll be mad?"

"I'm not sure," he shrugged, "but it might be best if we talk to her together."

"I can go get my laptop set-"

"I meant talk to her in person," Dad interrupted before I stood up.

I wrinkled my brow. "You're coming home?"

"In a few weeks, yes," he said. "But just to pick up some things and to be around so that we can discuss your plans...together."

Dad seemed to be dancing around the word family. And in a way, I understood why, even though I wished things were different between him and Mom.

After we finished eating, Dad helped me clean up. And as he was about to head to his room, I asked him something I'd been thinking about for a long time.

"Papa?" I said.

"Oui, Javi."

"Would you have still married Mom if you knew that things would...end the way they did?"

He smiled. "Of course, Son."

And in that short reply, I understood him completely. Dad went off to his room, and I went outside.

Later that night, I was sitting on the back deck when Liam came back from his date.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked as he stepped on board.

I smiled. "Mi yate es su yate."

"Excelente," he grinned, "Be right back," he added before taking his shoes off and running inside.

When he came back, Liam handed me a beer and pulled up a chair next to mine.

"How'd your date go?" I asked.

He took a sip from his bottle. "Pretty good, I think."

"You think?" I teased.

Liam looked down and grinned. "No, it was actually good."

"How good?"

"Good like we're official now."

I sat up. "Official like winning the World Cup kind of official?"

He nodded.

Leaning back, I brought the bottle up to my lips. "I'm happy for you, bro."

"Thanks, bro. And I also unfollowed Alyssa."

"Cheers to that," I said.

Our bottles clinked, and neither of us said anything for a minute.

"Thanks, Javi."

"For what?"

"Belle told me-"

"Oh, it's Belle now," I elbowed him.

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