Best Mistake (Cody Rhodes One Shot)

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''How soon do we forget how we felt? Dealing with emotions that never left playing with the hand that we were dealt in this game.... Maybe I'm the sinner, and you're the saint gotta stop pretending what we ain't why we pointing fingers, anyway? When we're the same.''

Love the most complicated thing in life even though people act like it's the most easist thing ever in reality and movies. Not in my world at first it was the easist thing but I don't think so it get's more complicated everyday I don't know what to do anymore. People tell me that I should dump him but I didn't want to dump him I love my boyfriend with the whole of my heart. We've had a lot of fights but somehow we manage to make up and we are fine again for about a week and it starts all over again. Most people are surprised that I haven't left him yet but I wouldn't do that to him he means so much to me but if he's cheating then yes I would leave him. My boyfriend wasn't the cheating type though and if he did cheat then maybe he would tell me he's a very loyal I just wish we didn't fight all the time.

Hi my name is Katie and I work for the WWE doing makeup and hair for the divas which I love, The divas are very nice to talk to I'm friends with all of them. Right now I'm in a complicated relationship with Cody Rhodes he wrestles for the WWE which is awesome. Me and Cody have been dating for about a year everything was really good at first but when he lost the tag team titles our relationship started going downhill. I knew that he was dissapointed and angry with himself but he didn't really have to take it out on me even though he doesn't hit me. Cody isn't a women beater I knew that if he ever did lay a hand on me then he would hate himself for the rest of his life. I just wish that we could sort things out and go back to the way we used to be.

''Break up, Make up total waste of time can we please make up our minds and stop acting like we're blind? 'Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining stars fall, and the world goes blind, boy you know, I'll be savin' my love for you, for you.''

Raw was just about to start and I was too busy doing all of the divas makeup since the other makeup artists had the bug but I guess it takes my mind off Cody for awhile. Natalya was sat in the chair while I was doing her makeup she was talking about how excited she was about going clubbing with all of the other divas.

''Katie, you should totally come with us, You look like you could do with a good girls night out so please say yes? We know you and Cody are having a bad time right now it will take your mind of things.'' Nattie said I looked at her for a minute thinking about the answer she's right I do have a lot on my mind right now and maybe clubbing will help me to release the stress.

''I don't know I'm not really the kind of girl to go out to a club....... Actually you're right I could do with a good time so I'll go clubbing with you girlies.'' I said while grabbing the lipgloss and putting some on her lips finishing off her makeup.''

''You are the best makeup artist ever, thank you so much well we are going to the club after the show I'll meet you in the car park.'' She said hugging me then walking towards her husband Tyson Kidd kissing him on the lips. They looked so happy together I wish that was me and Cody but I don't even know if he loves me anymore.

''Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made but we hold on, hold on there's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase but we hold on, hold on.''

The hotel room was silent Cody must not be back from the show yet the show finished 20 minutes ago so the divas thought it was a good idea to come back to the hotel and change our clothes. I really wasn't in the mood to go out and party but I have to I need to get Cody and our problems out of my mind for a few hours. I picked out a red dress from my wardrobe and when I put it on I haeard the door open and close.

''You look nice, going somewhere?'' I heard his voice I grabbed my high heels and sat on the bed putting on my shoes.

''The girls invited me too go clubbing with them so of course I said I'd go'' I told him grabbing my leather jacket and putting it on I wanted to look at Cody but I just couldn't do it.

''Oh right, I thought that maybe we could talk about us and sort things out'' he whispered I turned around and looked at him sighing.

''There's nothing to talk about Cody, I'm getting tired of us two going back and fourth all the time'' I said to him storming into the bathroom and locking the door shut I didn't want to cry infront of him but when I got into the bathroom I just burst into tears.

''I guess time's wasting, tick tocking, lip locking how can we keep the feelings fresh? How do we zip lock it? Wear your heart up on your sleeves so watch out for pickpockets I guess to go the distance we might need to pit stop it. Hold up, I know love could be a beach with no shore I done count to ten, lost my temper, and went back to four I know sometimes it's hard to realize I'm the man that you need and I feel like that everything, we do is overdue. You ask why I love your mom so much 'cause she a older you, I wish you were happy I guess that's the one thing I should be providing ain't no numer two's, we both ones of ones and we the oddest couple only humans 'cept you, you are a goddess. Only lying to you when I lie you down, just being honest when you start as friends it's hard to say you're never going back if I'm not the one then I'm the best mistake you ever had.''

 ''Katie, I know I haven't been the best boyfriend to you but I'm seriously trying right now, I know that you think I don't love you or I'm cheating but believe me when I say that you are the only girl for me and I love you with the whole of my heart. So please come out and we can talk about this see where we can pick up the pieces.'' Cody softly knocked on the bathroom I grabbed some tissue and took off all my makeup which is messed up from the crying I did. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it to see Cody standing with red eyes it looked like he had been crying too.

''Knowing that you love me is enough for me to hear, I wish we could have talked about all of this earliya but Cody I love you and I think we already picked up the pieces.'' I looked into his blue eyes wanting to kiss him so bad but I'm scared to touch incase I don't feel the sparks anymore. It was like Cody could look into my head and read my thoughts because I felt his lips on mine which were kissing me softly.

Every relationships always have them bad parts to it me and Cody were just expierencing that probably a little too much. We knew that it wasn't healthy and if it kept going on then one of us would walk out somebody. I'm just that we were able to sort things out because if Cody wasn't here then I wouldn't where I would be, He makes me happy, he makes my feel alive and nothing can change that.

''Break up, make up total waste of time can we please make up our minds and stop acting like we're blind? 'Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining stars fall, and the world goes blind, boy you know, I'll be savin my love for you, for you. 'Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made but we hold on, hold on. There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase but we hold on, hold on. You're, You're, You're, You're.... Mmm, I'll be savin' my love for you, for you. You're, You're, You're, You're.... Mmm, I'll be savin' my love for you, for you.''

WWE One shots (Requests Closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora