Back to December (Dean Ambrose One Shot)

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''I'm so glad you made time to see me. How's life? Tell me how's your family? I haven't seen them in a while. You've been good, busier than ever, we small talk, work and the weather, your guard is up and I know why. Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind. You gave me roses and I left them there to die.''

High school the days where everything was perfect, the days when I were happy, the days where I had fun and the days where I had a best friend. I would do anything to go back to them days and to bring my best friend back to me right now. There were only two of us we were just our own little group which was the loners and geeks but we didn't care because we had eachother. If any bullied me or made fun of me then he would come to my rescue and beat them up for me just like my very own superman. We promised eachother that we would never leave eachother's sides but I guess thing change and people change.

Jonathan Good as known as Dean Ambrose in the WWE was my best friend he was also like a brother to me but back then I started to fall in love with him. I didn't know if he liked me that way but I was planning on talking to him about it I wanted answers. I was too late though the day that I planned to tell him I found out that he had dropped out of school and left without saying goodbye. I knew that his dreams was to travel around and try to become a WWE superstar but I told that I would support him through it all I just wish he would have said goodbye. Things haven't been the same without him everything has changed I feel like he took apart of me that I will never ever get back. It's been years since Jonathan left I haven't heard anything from him it's like we aren't best friends anymore. He promised me that he would never leave but he broke it and I don't think I will ever be able to forgive him for that.

''So this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you saying, ''I'm sorry for that night,'' And I got back to December all the time. It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you. WIshing I'd realize what I had when you were mine. I'd go back to December, turn around and ame it all right. I go back to December all the time.''

Today was the start of my new life, a new place, a new change, a new me and a new job I heard that the WWE was looking for a new interviewer so of course I signed up for it. Working in the WWE has always been one of my dreams and it's now finally coming true. There was one thing that I am scared off right now and that was seeing Jonathan again I didn't even know what I will say or do when I see him. It's been years and I never ever thought that I would see him ever again I wonder if he has changed since the last time I saw him?

Of course I was going to talk to him again because I have found out that I am going to be interviewing him tonight before his match I wish I could get out of it but I can't I don't want to be fired I've only just started. I looked at myself in the mirror all of my imperfections were now covered up with makeup you couldn't even see the bags under my eyes it's funny what makeup can do to a girl. I've always been one of them girls who didn't care about makeup or all of them girly things but now I guess I do have to care. 

''Miss your interview with Dean Ambrose will be live in 10 minutes'' Someone said poking their heads through my locker room door I nodded my head at him with a smile on my face to say thanks I still needed to learn everybody's names. I took a deep breath and breathed out this was it I need to keep calm I'm sure Jonathan won't remember or even recognise me. I grabbed the microphone and walked out to where Jonathan was waiting with the camera man.

''These days I haven't been sleeping, Staying up, playing back myself leavin' when your birthday passed and I didn't call. And I think about summer, all the beautiful times, I watched you laughing from the passenger side. Realized I loved you in the fall. And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind you gave me all you and all I gave you was ''goodbye.''''

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