All I ever need (Roman Reigns One Shot)

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''Don't the water grow the trees don't the moon pull the tide don't the stars light the sky like you need to light my life if you need me anytime you know I'm always right by your side see I've never felt this love you're the only thing that's on my mind.''

I walked into the hotel that I was staying at for a few days since I am on tour with WWE it was a beautiful morning today so I decided to wake up early to go and train and go to starbucks. Music was blaring in my ears making me smile and dance some of the superstars and divas was chilling out in the lobby so when they saw me of course they laughed. I had just got back from Starbucks ordering myself a coffee and a cookie I also got my boyfriend Randy Orton the same thing.

I walked upto mine and Randy's room door looking for my keys in my bag I knew that Randy was still asleep he had a busy night last night. I finally found my keys and opened the door I walked into the lounge area I saw a jacket which was funny because that wasn't my jacket. I could hear a girl giggling from the bedroom I walked to the door and opened which I regretted. My eyes were looking at the sight of Rosa Mendez and Randy Orton naked in bed together. The lump was forming in my throat the tears in my eyes was taking over my sight the coffee and cookie dropped onto the floor.

Randy looked over his shoulder at me I walked out of the bedroom slamming the door on the way out but of course Randy followed me into the lounge area.

''Nacole listen to me I can explain'' Randy said grabbing my hand I took my hand away from him and pushed him backwards which shocked him but I was too angry and upset right now.

''Explain what? Randy there is nothing to explain I caught you so I think that explain enough........ So tell me how long?'' I asked him my arms crossed over my chest Randy walked closer to me but I walked back.

''It doesn't matter'' he whispered while looking down at the floor I wiped the tears away that was falling down.

''YES IT DOES MATTER... TELL ME RANDY HOW LONG?!?!?!'' I shouted at him the anger in my blood was just boiling I don't think I wanted to hear his answer so I walked to the door and walked out slamming the door.

''You don't understand how much you really mean to me I need you in my life you're my necessity but believe me you're everything that just makes my world complete and my love is clear the only thing that I'll ever see. You're all I ever need baby you're amazing you're my angel come and save me you're all I ever need baby you're amazing you're my angel come and save me.''

''I can't believe that he would do that Nikki, Why though? Was I really a bad girlfriend to him?'' I asked my best friends Nikki and Brie the tears kept on falling down. We heard a knock on the door Brie stood up and went to go get it.

''He doesn't deserve you Nacole you wasn't a bad girlfriend he just didn't treat you right you deserve someone so much better'' Nikki said while hugging me I cried into her shoulder Brie came back Roman beside her I stood up ran over to him wrapping my arms around his waist this is what I needed right now a Roman Reigns hug.

''Don't the water grow the trees don't the moon pull the tide don't the stars light the sky like you need to light my life we can do anything you like I know we both can get it right tonight you got your walls built up high I can tell by looking in your eyes.''


I knew how she felt I've been cheated on loads of times it's hearbreaking I knew the pain that she was going through I have been through it myself. Maybe I should help her I hated seeing her like this I knew how much Nacole loved Randy I warned her at first that he would break her heart but she didn't listen. I have been best friends with this girl since she debuted in the WWE even though she thought I was like a brother to her but I have started to develope some feelings for her. 

I know stupid right? But there was something about Nacole that screamed She's the one, she's the love of your life and she's the future Mrs Reigns. There was so many different words to describe Nacole good words of course I could never say anything bad about her. She was beautiful inside and out, She was talented, Gorgeous, Brave, Strong Randy didn't deserve to have her.

I warned Orton about breaking Nacole's heart and what does he go and do? He cheats on her whenever Nacole was sad and angry it made me sad and angry.

''I know how it feels to have the one you love cheat on you it happened to me well it's happened to me way too many times. I remember when I met my first girlfriend back in college she was beautiful we was dating for about two years. She made me happy all I ever thought about was her I thought we would get married and start a family together but of course I was wrong. I caught her in bed with a guy it wasn't just any guy it was my best friend someone that I thought I could trust. It broke me I was depressed for a long time but I decided to move on so I did but every girl that I have been with cheated on me.'' I explained to her I have never told anyone this before so it felt weird telling her the story but I felt that trust coming back to me I knew that I could trust her.

''You don't understand how much you really mean to me I need you in my life you're my necessity but believe me you're everything that just make my world complete and my love is clear the only thing that I'll ever see. You're all I ever need baby you're amazing you're my angel come and save me you're all I ever need baby you're amazing you're my angel come and save me.''


''I'm so sorry that you went through all of that Roman I mean how can anyone cheat on you? You're a really great guy and any girl would be lucky to have you.'' I said to him still shocked from what he told me I sat closer to him I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder.

''These things happened but you after learn how to move on I've moved on from my past girlfriends now it's time for you to move on from Randy. I know it's going to be hard at first and your heart will be broken but I will help you if you let me?'' Roman asked I looked up at him our faces were so close to eachother I could feel his lips brush against mine.

''How are you going to help me?'' I said to him swallowing the lump in my throat my heart beating really fast in my chest. I've always had a crush on Roman since we first met I thought I would go out with Randy to make him jealous but of course I fell in love which didn't work out.

''I know you don't trust guys anymore but please let me prove to you that you can trust me, I will never ever cheat on you I promise so please give me a chance and be my girlfriend?'' Roman said I looked at him in shock but I smiled Roman was right I had to move on and this was my chance.

''Yes Of course I will be your girlfriend Roman'' I said Roman smiled then his lips found me his hands pressed against my cheeks the fireworks were going off in my head, The butterflies were flying around in my stomach and the eletric shocks in my body this was the bestes kiss that I have ever had.

Of course Roman kept his promise he never cheated on me I never cheated on him we was really happy with eachother. Right now I was taking a break from the WWE since I was expecting mine and Roman's first baby girl.


WWE One shots (Requests Closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora