Unbreakable Heart (Seth Rollins One Shot)

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''Hijacked when you weren't looking behind your back people are talking unsing words that cut you down to size you want to fight back it's building inside you holding you up taking you hostage yeah, it's worth fighting for.''

 The horrible memories were coming back to me, The memories from my past relationship they will always be there to haunt me no matter how many time I try to get rid of them they just won't go away. I guess I should tell you what happened but when I tell people no one believes me the only people that believed me are my brother Matt and Jeff Hardy. My name is Miranda Hardy the little sister of Matt and Jeff of course I wasn't a diva I was just my brothers manager which I didn't mind really.

I was dating this WWE Superstar Justin Gabriel it was perfect at first but then he started to change he became abusive and began hitting me. Matt and Jeff started to notice the bruiises on my arms but I just kept on telling them that I am clumsy of course the didn't believe me I am their little sister so that know when I am lying. The day came when I told them what was happening with me and Justin I burst into tears when I finished telling them they were so angry not at me but at Justin. Ever since that day that I told them Jeff and Matt have been so over protective they never left me alone just incase anything happens to me. I never thought that I would be in a relationship like that but I was and it broke me it killed me inside.

''They'll try to take your pride try to take your soul they'll try to take all the control they'll look you in the eyes fill you full of lies believe me they're gonna try so when you're feeling crazy and things fall apart listen to your head remember who you are.''

I was walking around trying to find my brothers but instead I found my three best friends Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins they are known as The Shield. Roman and Dean are like my brothers too but Seth well I have fallen in love with him he doesn't know so I don't know if he likes me. I don't know why but I was scared to tell him ever since my last relationship with Justin I have been scared to fall in love but I knew that Seth wouldn't hurt me like that.

''Hey boys what's up?'' I asked them while walking over to them they all smiled at me.

''Getting ready for our match against them three losers'' Dean said tonight on Friday Night Smackdown The Shield were in a match against Kane, Randy Orton and Justin Gabriel. Summer Slam is this Sunday so The Shield had a match with these guys then too.

''Speaking about losers.... Have you seen a Rainbow haired loser and a black haired loser?'' I asked them amusement in my eyes Roman laughed at me.

''They ran past us a few minutes ago I don't know where too'' Seth said smiling at me The Shield had to go to their match though so we all said goodbye. I was about to continue my journey to find Matt and Jeff but I felt an arm grab my hand and someone's hand over my mouth then they started to drag me away.

''You're the one you're the unbreakable heart, You're the one you're the unbreakable heart, You're the one, You're the one. Hijacked when you weren't looking behind your back people are talking using words that cut you down to size you want to fight back you're out in the open you're under attack but your spirit's not broken you know it's worth fighting for.''


It's been a day since I last saw my sister this wasn't like her tonight is Summer Slam I've been looking for her all day with Matt but no sighn of her even The Shield have been looking for her. I was scared and worried what if something happened to her? The only thing that I can do right now is just sit here while watching The Shield's match and pray that Miranda is okay.


I went into the ring with Roman and Dean I just can't concentrate on anything right now Miranda has gone missing no one has seen her anywhere. Justin was standing there with a smug look on his face I wanted to punch him so bad I knew that he knows something. The bell rang we didn't waste anytime we all started our attacked of course I was kicking Justin's butt. We was in control of this match but Justin grabbed a microphone and shouted at Kane.

''KANE GO GET HER!'' Justin shouted I was so confused get who? Kane walked up the ramp and then dissapeared what was going on?  Kane came back out with a girl I looked closely and realized that it was Miranda.

''You're the one, You're the unbreakable heart, You're the one, You're the unbreakable heart, You're the one, You're the one. Don't look them in the eyes believe me they're gonna try to fill you up with lies.''


''Look at her little Miranda with no one to save her but Shield if you guys leave we will let her go but if you don't then well I don't think you will want to know but I can tell you something it will be painfull for her.'' Justin said into the microphone I looked at Seth with tears in my eyes I was so scared I knew that Justin was dangerous but I didn't know he was this bad. I watched how Kane fell onto the fall what was up with him? I thought then two pair of hands grabbed my arms and we began running my brothers Matt and Jeff saved me. We went into a room and I sat down breathing heavily then Seth came in and ran towards me.

''Miranda are you okay?'' He asked placing his hands on my cheeks and examining my face for scratches.

''I'm fine Seth just scared'' I whispered Seth kissed my forehead everyone went out of the room to give us space.

''Miranda Marry me?'' Seth said I looked at him shocked he smiled and got down on one knee pulling out a box. ''I love you ever since my eyes first laid on you I was scared to tell you but now I feel like this is the right time. So please Miranda Hardy will you marry me?''

''Oh my...... Of course I will marry you Seth'' I said he smiled and put a ring on my finger I stood up then wrapped my arms around his neck we then kissed. I could feel the fireworks, The electric shocks and the butterflies that's when I knew that I have found my Prince Charming Seth Rollins is the guy of my dreams, He's the one for me.

''Don't look them in the eyes believe me they're gonna try to fill you up with lies. They'll try to take your pride, try to take your sould (You're the one, You're the one) They'll look you in the eyes fill you full of lies. You're the one you're the unbreakable heart, You're the one you're the unbreakable heart, You're the one, You're the one


Okay guys there is still time to request, Requests will be closing at the beginning of December but I will be doing WWE Christmas One Shot part two so more info on that coming maybe in October. So if you haven't requested yet or you want another One Shot then please request. You can send me a message telling me your name, your favourite song, Your superstar and if you can think of a plot then you can tell me. Thank you for reading these One Shot and voting it means alot to me so thank you. :) <3 xxxxxxx

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