Second Chance (Roman Reigns One Shot)

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This one shot is Vanessa so I hope you like it. :) <3 xoxoxoxoxo


''My eyes are open wide and by the way, I made it through the day I watched the world outside by the way, I'm leaving out today. I just saw Halley's commet she waved said, ''Why you always running in place?'' Even the man in the room dissapeared somewhere in the Stratosphere.''

I was walking around backstage trying to look for my boyfriend Roman Reigns I saw Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins but he wasn't with them like he usually is. I had a bad feeling that I was going to see something that I didn't like I wish I knew what it was though. Me and Roman have been dating for a year now we was both happy and in love but lately things haven't been the same. I wish we could go back to the way we used to be lately we've been arguing alot we don't kiss anymore or say those words ''I love you.''

I turned a corner and couldn't believe my eyes at what I saw Roman and the new WWE Divas champion Paige were kissing eachother. I felt the water in my eyes I knew that I was going to cry Roman turned around and saw me standing there his smile had now dropped off his face. I couldn't look at him anymore so I turned around and ran away from him I could hear him shouting my name but I just kept on running.

''Tell my mother tell my father I've done the best I can to make them realize this is my life I hope they understand I'm not angry, I'm just saying....... Sometimes goodbye is a second chance.''

''Wassup Vee?'' I heard Dean say I lifted my head up from my phone and looked at Seth and Dean their smiles faded when they saw my tears.

''What happened?'' Seth asked sitting next to me I felt like I couldn't tell them everytime I wanted to say something the lump in my throat wouldn't let me. I saw Roman walking towards me before he could get any closer to me I stood up and walked away putting my hood over my head.

I wanted to turn around and look at him but I couldn't so I just kept on walking far away from him as possible. I didn't know that heartache would feel like maybe that's because I have never been heart broken before Roman was my first kiss, My first boyfriend and my first everything. Now it's all gone away could I ever forgive him for what he did? Maybe I could or maybe not but right now I just needed some time alone.

''Please don't cry one tear for me I'm not afraid of what I have to say this is my one and only voice so listen close it's only for today. I just saw Halley's commet she waved said ''Why you always running in place?'' Even the man in the moon dissapeared somewhere in the Stratosphere.''

Tonight I was in match against Paige the WWE Divas championship was on the line and I was in full control the crowd was encouraging me to do my finisher. I was kneeling down in the corner waiting for Paige to stand up Roman taught me how to do a spear when we first started dating and I have always used it has my finisher ever since. She finally stood up I charged towards her and gaved her my most powerfull spear ever making her fall onto the matt. This was my chance I went for the pin the ref started hitting the matt with his hand and counting 1...2....3....

 ''Here is you winner and the new WWE Divas Champion Vanessa'' I heard the ring announcer say The tears of Happiness started falling down my cheeks the referee gave me my new title. I looked at it for a long minute the stood up climbing onto the ropes holding my title high up in the air. The crowd were cheering on for me and clapping I saw a little girl in the crowd who looked ill. I jumped down from the rope went out of the ring and walked over to her she smiled when she saw then I hugged her so gently but she hugged me tightly.

''Thank you for believing in me'' I whispered she smiled I kissed her cheek then went back in the ring but the party was cut off when I heard The Shield's theme song play. I saw Roman walk down the ramp microphone in his hand I wanted to get out of here but I stood still frozen in my spot. I came into the ring his eyes still on me then he walked closer to me I was about to walk out of the ring but he grabbed hold onto my arm. 

''Hear me out please?'' He asked I nodded my head and stood back in front of him he took a deep breath then started talking. ''Look Vanessa I'm so sorry for what I did I didn't mean to hurt you or break your heart I don't know why I cheated on you. You mean everything to me and I can't lose you if I did then I would probably stop breathing or something. You have the key to my heart you are also my soulmate my family didn't like you at first but when they saw how happy I was with you they started to treat like you were part of the family. My heart beats for you and only you so please just give me one more chance and I promise I won't cheat on you.'' I could see that he was telling the truth through his eyes and I knew then that he was forgiven so I walked closer to him and kissed him I felt his arms wrap around my waist making me wrapd my arms around his neck.

''Roman I love you'' I whispered to him he smiled at me and pecked me on the lips.

''Vanessa I love you too I always have and I always will.'' He whispered back who knew that one night would be so perfect and amazing I was now the new WWE Divas Champion and I had the man of my dreams back in my arms.

''Tell my mother tell my father I've done the best I can to make them realize this is my life I hope they understand I'm not angry, I'm just saying..... Sometimes goodbye is a second chance. Here's my chance this is my chance. Tell my mother tell my father I've done the best that I can to make them realize this is my life I hope they understand I'm not angry, I'm not just saying..... Sometimes goodbye is a second chance. Sometimes goodbye is a second chance, Sometimes goodbye is  a second chance.''


If you guys want to request a One Shot then you can comment or message me telling me your name, your favourite superstar/Diva, Your favourite song and if you can think of a plot then you can tell me but it doesn't matter if you cant.



INSTAGRAM: @AMBROSEMINION17. :) <3 xoxoxoxoxo



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