Little White Lies (Roman Reigns One Shot)

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'If this room was burning I wouldn't even notice 'Cause you've been taken up my mind with your little white lies, little white lies. You say it's getting late, it's getting late and you don't know if you can stay, if you can stay.''

Spying on your boyfriend was probably something a girlfriend wouldn't do but for me it's different since my boyfriend has been acting very strange lately. I thought he was someone I could trust with the whole of my heart but that thought was wrong. He promised me that he wouldn't do this to me but he was wrong too. He promised me a lot of things in life but them promises were now broke along with the smashed up pieces of my heart. He said he loved me but he doesn't know what love is and he never will what guy says I love you and do this to you? For days he has been acting weird when he get's a phone call he goes out of the room even when he get's a text message he goes out of the room. He just seems distant like I don't even know him anymore.

I watched has he had a girl pinned up against the wall they were both smiling at each other watching this just killed but the next thing just broke me they kissed each other. I turned away and walked I couldn't watch any longer how could he do this to me? My name is Sher and that guy over there who is cheating on me is Roman Reigns yes The Roman Reigns. We've been dating for 2 years now he was my whole world, my rock and my everything I believed every word he said to me now I feel so stupid. I believe that fairytales would last forever but this wasn't a fairytale? What Prince Charming cheats on his Cinderella? Well was I his Cinderella? I don't know but this isn't how a happy ending is supposed to end but now there is no such thing has an happy ending.

''But you, you don't tell the truth no, you, you like playing games. Your hands touching me, they're touching me. And your eyes keep saying things. They say of what we do when it's only me and you. I can't concentrate.''

Everything to me about this relationship was all lies he's the one who told all of the lies while on the other hand I have always been truthful to him. I've never cheated and I never planned on doing that, I always make sure to tell him where I am going, I always text him and call him and this is how he repays me. I've been there for me through his tough times, I always listened to him when he had a problem, I gave him advice when he needed it and I have supported him through everything. I had to speak to someone about all of this and there was one guy I could speak to right Seth Rollins.

''Seth are in there?'' I asked while knocking on the door the tears were falling down my cheeks Seth opened the door I tried to wipe them away before he saw them but he did and he pulled me into a hug.


I watched as they were both hugging I couldn't believe that she saw me with that girl now I have to see her with Seth and I don't like it at all. Sher was my girl I shouldn't have cheated on her I don't even know why I did it. I have to win her back I have to apologize to her and I have to make it up to her but how do I do that?

''That's all I'm thinking about. All I keep thinking about everything else just fades away. If this room was burning I wouldn't even notice 'Cause you've been taking up my mind. With you little white lies, little white lies.''


Days went by Roman still wasn't by my side I miss him so much I miss not having his arms wrapped around me while I sleep. I never knew what heartbreak felt like until now Roman was my first everything that's what made him so special to me. Roman was the kind of guy who looked like he would never cheat on a girl and treat his girlfriend like a princes. He did treat me like a princess he gave me everything I ever wanted but he still cheated on me. 

I remember the first time I met Roman there were loads of things running through my mind when I first met him I fell in love with him straight away. I knew that there wasn't any guy out there that I wanted I just wanted him. His long black hair, His tanned skin, His dark beard, Those grey eyes and that tattoo on his arm everything about him was perfect. We both fell in love with each other which surprised because I would always doubt myself but he stopped all that. I remember planning out wedding in my dream and mind even though we wasn't engaged but we knew that one day we will settle down get married and have children. Everyone knew how much we loved each other we never had any arguments everyone though that we was going to last forever now I don't know what to do or if we are still dating.

''You say you're a good girl but I know you would girl 'Cause you've been telling me all night, With your little white lies, little white lies. With your little white lies, little white lies. Back seat of the cab, we're in the cab. My lips getting so attached, they're so attached. Now you wanna make some rules now cool-then we'll watch them break tonight. I know what you want and I've been waiting so long.''

 ''Seth I just don't know what to do should I forgive him?'' I asked while looking at the Starbucks coffee cup in my hand. 

''I think you should do what your heart is telling you to do and let Roman explain there has to be an answer to why he did what he did he wouldn't have done it on purpose. Sher he loves you I can see it and everyone else can see it he's crazy over you. I saw him yesterday he looks terrible ever since you caugh him he hasn't been himself I know he regrets cheating on you. All I'm saying is maybe you should forgive him I know that you want him back so now is your chance.'' Seth said then took a sip from his coffee I thought about it for a moment and realized that everything he said was right.

''Thank you Seth I am so glad to call you my friend'' I said to him making him smile then we enjoyed the rest of the morning talking and laughing while drinking our Starbucks.


I watched them both I wasn't spying on her I was just passing by when I saw her and Seth together are they dating now? I felt the pain in my heart ache I didn't care if they was dating or not I am still going ahead with the plan I have organized. I remember when we used to stay up all night talking about out future which had us getting married and having children. That was all still in my future and it always will be but I need her back in my life.

''If this room was burning I wouldn't even notice 'Cause you've been telling me all night. With your little white lies, little white lies. You say you're a good girl but I know you would girl 'Cause you've been telling me all night. With your little white lies, little white lies. With your little white lies, little white lies. I know you want it. I know you feel it too. Let's stop pretending. That you don't know what I don't know. Just what we came to do.''


I walked into my hotel room I could smell a beautiful scent from around the room which was strange because I don't remember spraying anything. I turned around to see candles and rose petals on the floor I followed the track into the bedroom. There were rose petals on the bed but in shapes it's like they were saying something. 

''MARRY ME?''  They read this was the most romantic thing ever I turned around that's when I saw Roman on one knee a velvet box in his hand.

''Sher I am so sorry for what I did to you I didn't mean to I don't know what I was thinking and I regret every single bit of it. I love you I always have since the first day we met and I always so please forgive me and marry me?'' He said I felt the tears rolled down my cheeks there was no way I could say no to this amazing man.

''Of course I will marry you Roman'' I said he smiled, got up and slipped the ring gently on my finger then he kissed me on the lips. Relationships have problems but you have to work through them all no matter how hard it gets. All of them plan that me and Roman have been talking about were coming true and I couldn't be any more happier. 

''If this room was burning I wouldn't even notice 'Cause you've been taken up my mind. With your little white lies. You say you're good girl but I know you would girl 'Cause you've been telling me all night. With your little white lies, little white lies.''

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