Happy Valentines days WWE One shots.

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Hey guys so the WWE one shots are back as you know I wrote some WWE one shots for Christmas so if you haven't read them already then you can go have a look at that. I was so happy with all the requests I was getting, the votes, the comments and the reads. So I thought Valentines day is the next holiday why not do some Valentines day one shots. The season is next week on the 14th of February but for me Valentines day is for the whole month.

I know what you're thinking what do I need to do to request? It's easy just tell me your name of course, Your favourite WWE superstar/ Diva, Your favourite song and this time you guys can tell me what you want to happen in that story you can comment or send me a message. That is all you after do and I can now say that requests are open now.

I am sorry that I will be slow with posting your one shots as you all know or maybe don't but over Christmas I had some issues with my laptop charger. It's still broken but I am trying to get that sorted I am using my brother's laptop so my uploading days will Monday's and Thursdays since I am at college.

Thank you for all of the support 2013 was a great year for me and I hope 2014 will be even better so please keep reading my stories keep voting and commenting on them. You guys have made me so much happy in my life I don't know what I would do without Wattpad so thank you.


WWE One shots (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now