Cherry Pie (Dean Ambrose One Shot)

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''Dirty, rotten, filthy, stinkin..... She's my cherry pie cool drink of water such a sweet surprise tastes so good makes a grown man cry sweet cherry pie. Swingin' on the front porch swingin' on the lawn swingin' where we want 'Cause there ain't nobody home. Swingin' to the left and swingin' to the right if I think about baseball I'll swing all night yea.''

My days were spent of me standing infront of the mirror or just looking at the other divas I wasn't gay or anything I just think that the divas are more beautiful then me. I just hate the way how I looked I didn't think that I was pretty, gorgeous, beautiful or even perfect even though people tell me that I am. This happened every single day until I would end up crying my eyes out. My mother always told me that I was the prettiest girl she has ever seen but I never believed her of course she would say that I am her daughter. I just didn't know what to do anymore I felt like changing my appearence but I just didn't know what I wanted to look like. I just didn't want to look like the way I am anymore why did life have to be like this? I wish I knew.

The name is Kate and well I am still training to be a WWE Diva but I do sometimes go out there to fight they only last a second though I'm always getting beat down. I wish I could change I wish I was a better diva and then maybe I could be the WWE Divas champion but that will never happen. I also wanted to change for this guy Dean Ambrose all of the girls wanted him but he ignored them. He wouldn't want me either with the way I look I don't know but he does stare at me alot which is nice. Sometimes I have dreams have Dean asking me out and then kissing me if only it happened in real life I think that would make me happy with myself. It will never happen though Dean could have any girl he wanted he wouldn't want a girl like me.

''I scream you scream we all scream for her don't even try 'cause you can't ignore her. She's my cherry piecool drink of water such a sweet surprise. Tastes so good make a grown man cry sweet cherry pie oh yea. She's my cherry pie put a smile on your face ten miles wide look so good bring a tear to your eye sweet cherry pie.''


Lately I've been noticing Kate staring at herself in the mirror or just looking at the divas was she jealous of the way they look? Did she hate the way she looked? There is nothing to hate about Kate she was beautiful and perfect in every way she shouldn't be doing this to herself. If I could tell her how beautiful she looked every single day then I would. Seeing her nearly every night getting beaten down in the ring just killed me I wish I could help her she doesn't deserve any of this. I wish I could tell her that I love her but I'm scared I have never fallen for a girl before I just think that they are all the same but not Kate she was different.

Everytime I see her she seems empty and lonely no one never really talks to her I feel like I should start talking you know so that I can get to know her. I don't know what if she doesn't want to talk to me? Most people were scared of me I didn't know why but I didn't want to scare her too she already meant so much to me. I didn't know what to do but I knew that I had to think fast before I lose her or before she decides to change her appearence.

''Swingin' to the drums swingin' to the guitar swingin' to the bass in the back of my car ain't got no money ain't got no gas but we'll get where we're goin' if we swing real fast. I scream you scream we all scream for her don't even try 'cause you can't ignore her.''


I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks no matter how hard I try why do I do this to myself? I've been thinking all week about changing it up a bit and I've made my descion I was going to do it and no one can stop me.

''Hey you okay?'' I heard a voice I kept on looking at the mirror where I saw Dean standing next to me a little smile on his face.

''Yeah I'm just getting ready that's all.... Can I help you with anything?'' I asked him Dean sighed and rubbed the back of his neck he was so cute.

''I know that you are not okay I may not know you but Kate I'm not stupid I always see you looking at the mirror and looking at the divas wishing that you was them.'' He said I turned around looking at him tears falling down my cheeks.

''You're right Dean you don't know me, You don't know what it's like to wake up everyday and hate the way you look. You don't know what it's like to see girls that are prettier than you and all you can do is wish you were them see you don't know what it's like to be me.'' I said to him Dean was shocked at my sudden outburst I fell onto the floor and burst into tears. Dean kneeled down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

''I do know what it's like before the WWE I was a indy wrestler wrestling for Combat Zone Wrestling when I was there I did a lot of bad things. I smoked alot, I did drugs like popping pills and I always drunk a lot of beer I didn't know what I was doing half of the time back then. I hated myself and I hated the way how I looked looking back on myself now I regret it all. You should love the way that you look because to me you are beautiful, pretty and gorgeous you are better looking then all of the divas in the company.'' He said wiping away my tears I looked into his amazing blue eyes he started to lean down towards my lips then we kissed.

''She's my cherry pie cool drink of water such a sweet surprise tastes so good make a grown man cry sweet cherry pie oh yea. She's my cherry pie put a smile on your face ten miles wide looks so good bring a tear to your eye sweet cherry pie, yeah, pie. Swing it! All night long, Swing it! swingin' the bathroom swingin' on the floor swingin' so hard we forgot to lock the door in walks her daddy standin' six feet tall he said you ain't gonna swing with my daughter no more.''

Dean placed his forehead against mine we were both trying to catch our breathes I couldn't help but to stare into his eyes. 

''Wow!'' I whispered Dean kissed my forehead with a smile on his face was I dreaming this? This can't be reality right? I've been waiting for a very long time for this day to come and now it's finally happening I was freaking out inside.

''I know that was the bestes kiss I have ever had which makes me want to ask you something...... Be my girlfriend Kate? I promise I will make you feel pretty and beautiful even though you already are.'' He said I smiled really big I already did feel pretty and I was also starting to like the way how I looked which made me happy.

''Yes Dean I would love to be your girlfriend'' I said to him he smiled brightly and kissed me on the lips again picking me up and spinning me around in circles making me giggle.

''I love you Kate'' He said as soon as he put me back down onto the floor I still kept my arms around his neck his arms were still around my waist. 

''I love you too Dean'' I whispered to him pecking him on the lips. All of those times of me doubting myself was in the past now this is a new me. Dean made me believe in myself again I never thought that would happen but it did and now there I feel pretty again it's funny how a guy can do that. I couldn't be any more happier right now this was a start to a new life and a new me.

''She's my cherry pie cool drink of water such a sweet sruprise tastes so good makes a grown man cry sweet cherry pie oh, yea. She's my cherry pie put a smile on your face ten miles wide looks so good bring a tear to your eye sweet cherry pie, sweet cherry pie. Swing it!.''

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