All your hate (Seth Rollins One Shot)

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This one shot is for Katrina it was requested 4 weeks ago so here is it hope you enjoy it. :) <3


''Use my breathe for every line you'll take, when you are lonely, words are holy a deadly grip on lies, Sing to these blood red skies, hail Mary, whisper softly.''

It's been a few weeks since The Shield split up I felt bad for Roman and Dean though their brother Seth Rollins backstabbed them in the back but this can't be easy on Seth too. My name is Katrina I am a new WWE Diva so of course I haven't been here long I had a few friends here which was awesome but I also had some enemies which I didn't mind. There was on person who I wanted to get close with though that was Seth Rollins whenever I see him backstage he always seems so upset and down. I wanted to help him maybe I could but the thing is I was kind of shy.

In someway I kind of understood how Seth was feeling too I always got hate in highschool I could see it in his eyes that Seth didn't mean to do what he did I know that he regrets it. I know that Seth didn't want to do that but he had no choice I should really talk to him about it. So I started my journey walking all around the arena in search of the Ninja.

''What you became some things never change and so we. We learn from all your hate we are lost in your mistakes play our hymn for the brand new day we burn, we learned.''

I was still walking around the arena in search the blonde and black haired guy he's probably in a meeting with Triple H or something so I decided to wait outside the bosses office.

-5 Minutes later-

The bosses Stephanie McMahon and Triple H walked out of the office they looked at me with smiles on their faces.

''Ahh Katrina what can we do for you?'' Triple H asked me I smiled at them both then stood up from the floor.

''Actually I was wondering if Seth was in there with you guys?'' I said to them while rubbing the back of my neck the nerves getting to me.

''Sure he's in the office just go in there me and Stephanie will be back soon'' He said I nodded my head at them to say thanks then walked into the office there was Seth sitting on the couch on his phone. I could see that the hurt was back in his eyes I knew that he was sad so I sat down next to me I could see that he was reading the hate.

 ''You know you should turn your phone off for a few hours it will help you and you will feel better I promise.'' I said to him Seth looked at me and smiled sadly then he put his phone away.

''I know I always try to put I can't seem to do it.''

''You know what Seth? How about you come back to my hotel room and we can play video games or watch movies?'' I asked him Seth got his phone back out and turned it off making me smile he stood up and held his hand out for me to take which I appcepted.

''I'd like that'' He said then we went to his car on our way to the hotel.

''Here's to your martyr watch her morals bend, an empty story we grow hungry to reclaim the notes we lend, you cannot win, when saints are glory I'll die slowly.''

Me and Seth was sitting on the couch a blanket was over us I snuggled into his side his arm was wrapped around me. We was watching Batman the dark knight I don't know why but I liked being by his side there was something about Seth that I loved actually I loved everything about him.

''Thank you for today Katrina for being there and the advice'' He said I sat up and looked at him our faces were so close together.

''No problem Seth I know what it's like to get hate but you just after ignore them and move on'' I whispered then I felt his lips on mine his beard tickling my chin the kiss was so amazing and perfect.

That ladies and gentleman was how me and Seth Rollins met and I guess you could say that was how we got together. Now we've been together for four years and I couldn't ask for a better life and a better boyfriend.

''What you became some things never change and so we. We learn from all your hate we are lost in your mistakes play our hymn for the brand new day we burn, we learned. We learn from all your hate we are lost in your mistakes play our hymn for the brand new day we burn, we learned.''


I have some good news the requests for One Shots are now open again so if you want to know how to request then look at the cery first page.


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