Tonight (CM Punk One Shot)

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This One Shot is for Ashley she is really amazing I've been talking to her alot on here and she really fun to talk to. Thank you to everyone who has been talking to me these past few weeks you guys are amazing and I love every single one of you.


''How did we get here? How do we pretend everything's alright? and how do we stay here? Do we erease all the fear inside? I feel so alive tonight you got me feeling sublime I want to yell it from the rooftops down until it's over, and we're older.''

''HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MY AMAZING SISTER ASHLEY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!'' I heard my crazy sister sing while walking into my room probably holding a cake or something. She opened the curtains making the sunlight hit my face I groaned and put the covers over my head. AJ my older sister laughed and pulled the covers off me today was the day after Wrestlemania which meant it was my birthday.

''FINE I'M UP!!'' I shouted while sitting up she dumped alot of cards onto my lap I opened them all up hoping I got one from my crush CM Punk. All of the cards were from all of the Divas and superstars but I didn't get a card from Punk I sighed and looked down.

''I told him that it was your brithday last night'' AJ said I looked up at her and smiled she put the cake infront of me she stuck a candle inside the cake and lit it with some matches. I always thought this was pointless I mean what was the point of lighting up a candle just when you are going to blow it out in a second. I blew out the candle AJ clapped and giggled like a little girl making me laugh I got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom to begin getting ready for tonights show.

''Like sugar and cyanide these worlds are gonna collide I want to yell it from the rooftops down until it's over, and we're older. So take me, but go slow let me hide somewhere I know and let this seed grow until we finally call this home so take me, but go slow let me hide somewhere I know and let this seed grow until we finally call this home.''

I was sitting in my sister's office according to her she had thought of a plan to get me and CM Punk together this should be a good plan I thought to myself.

''Alright so I have decided to put you and Punk in a storyline together? I don't want any no's or but's I haven't told Punk yet but I will soon.'' AJ said moving around like a mad woman my sister has always wanted me and Punk to be together and she won't give up until she get's her wish. ''Oh I have to stay behind for abit but here is the key to our hotel room see you later'' She said while giving me the keys with a smirk on her face she was planning something I could feel it.

''So take me, but go slow let me hide somewhere I know and let this seed grow until we finally call this home so take me, but go slow let me hide somewhere I know and let this seed grow until we finally call this home.''

I walked into my new hotel room thinking that AJ was still going to be my new roomate but oh boy was I wrong. Standing infront of the window looking at the night veiw of Las Vegas was a guy with those familiar tattoos then I saw the Pepis tattoo that's when I knew that the guy was CM Punk.

''What the hell are you doing here?'' I asked him while placing my suitcases onto the flloor at the sound of my voice.

''I'm your new roomate didn't AJ tell you that?'' Punk asked me with a raised eyebrow I looked at him confused then finally got what he was talking about. AJ had planned all of this to try and get me and Punk together well it won't work Punk doesn't even like me. ''By the way Happy birthday Ashley.'' Punk walked over to me and gave me an envolope I looked at him and then opened it inside was a card I read the message that was written inside the card.

''I'm not suposed to love you, I'm not suposed to care, I'm not suposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not suposed to wonder where you are or what you are doing, I'm sorry I just can't help myself. I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!'' The message said I gasped and looked at Punk he looked down while rubbing the back of his neck.

''You like me?'' I asked him but my voice came out like a whisper he walked closer to me his eyes looking back into my eyes.

''Wrong. I don't like you I love you'' He whispered then his lips were on mine I wrapped my arsm around his neck and kissed him back.

''If I was to die tonight would it tear you apart? Would you ever tell it from the rooftops down? Until it's over, and you're older.''

I was sitting at the top of the ramp my legs crossed Punk was in the ring I had on my CM Punk ring gear he looked up at me confused. I was suposed to distract him from his match I think it was working Cena went for the pin but Punk kicked out going for the GTS then for the pin getting the three count. I skipped down the ramp then around the ring laughing while Punk's eyes were following me. I went into the ring and then skipped around Punk he grabbed onto my hand stopping me I smiled and the kissed him the crowd going crazy he kissed me back. This was the bestes birthday ever and AJ was the bestes crazy sister ever.

''I feel so alive tonight you've got me feeling sublime I want to yell it from the rooftops down until it's over, and we're older. Like sugar and cyanide our world are meant to collide I'm gonna yell it from the rooftops till it's over, and we're older.''

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