Demon! Rengoku x reader (fluff)

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Word count-1460

My Demon Papa instinct tell me that Rengoku should be the same as Nezuko, PERIOD!

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My Demon Papa instinct tell me that Rengoku should be the same as Nezuko, PERIOD!

This was just too cute for my heart

My boyfriend, Rengoku, was recently turned into a demon, by a accident, I didn't know something would happen like that, when I was gone for a couple of hours.

So when I got home, I didn't hear Rengoku, only a demon. My parents told me I had a keen sense of hearing, so since this demon thing has been happening, I could tell if one was close. And there was, right inside out home in the valley.

I used to be a Hashira, but retired due to a accident that had almost taken my life. I walked in the front door and looked behind the walls for my old sword. I pulled it out, and dropped the shaft and walked further in my home.

I heard a window broken and a low groan from our bedroom. I stood next to the door frame and calmed my self.

'There's just a weak demon, just a weak demon. Rengoku's save.'

I kept muttering my self that, I took and step and looked inside the bedroom. Everything was scratched up and torn. And blood on the walls.

My immediate thought was the demon had got to Rengoku and killed him. Then a rustle was heard. I froze and turned around, and was faced Rengoku. I sighed.

"Rengoku! Don't scare me like that! I almost killed you!"

I looked up at him and my fear came back. His eyes. Those weren't the same eyes I stare into on 'those' nights. They had a vicious look in them. Full of bloodlust. Then he showed me his fangs and pouches on me.

We fell into the cold hard floor, he pinned my hands above my head and looked cold dead into my eyes. All I did was stare back and cry a little.

My boyfriend was now a demon. And I had to kill him. But I couldn't. He leaned in and opened his mouth. HE WAS GOING TO EAT ME! I kicked him 'the' spot. And pushed him over. And grabbed my sword and got into a stance. The sun was covered up by the clouds that seem to go on for miles. And it was starting to snow.

He got up and stared at me.

"Rengoku! Listen to my voice! Come back to me!"

I yelled that to him, but he didn't seem to understand. Then there were foot steps, they were walking inside out home. They sounded heavy, most likely a demon slayer, or worst. A Hashira!


That voice sounded so familiar! It was a Hashira from when before I met Rengoku. She walked inside the room and saw us.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!!"

'(Y/n)! It's been forever. And you still look as beautiful than ever!'

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