Blue Candy and Silver Needles

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The next morning, I was rudely woken by Impudent. It took me out of the crate, which I would have preferred to stay in and not be bothered by Imp, but apperently I don't have a say- or well- bark, in anything. Impudent scratched my chin, an action at this time I refuse to enjoy. Instead, I have decided to lecture Impy about what It's doing wrong.

After a series of barks and wails telling Impudent about how I should go back to The Pack, or at least see them and discuss this very important matter, but the stupid human just smiled and put me on Its bed.
The human put me in the mini house again and left. Imp didn't come back until the afternoon.
After a few hours of growling, barking and biting Impudent Satan, Imp went to sleep. I was awake for maybe thirty minutes, pacing the kennel, thinking about The Pack. How dare that Impudent SATAN!
Sleep took over and I slipped off into the void of darkness.
                                                                    <>One Year Later<>

Just because I enjoy Imp's pets doesn't mean I like the damn human. I can just... Tolerate it.
I am still very angry about the mystery of my family. I still try to get on Imp's nerves. Although, I do appreciate the occasional treats and might give it a break if I receive a cookie.
Imp just filled my food bowl of the stale pellets I'm expected to eat. I no longer have to stay in the white kennel, though.

Imp fed me the signature stale food and left

Another boring day here will Imp is out. 
I think back to last night where I saw Imp leaning in the corner of the yard, doing something.
Now it's sparked my interests. 
I walk around the house headed for the backyard door. I walk out to the corner and find some odd looking kibble. 
So I eat it.

 the human said. I went exploring and found this blue pebbly good tasting substance. I ate it. (it was rat poison but I did not know then). Afterwards I felt horrible. I could not sleep, eat, play, or even move! It was so painful. I thought I was gonna die, right then and there. Suddenly the human rushed me into the big monster machine, and took me somewhere. It took me to a place where I was supposed to feel better. There was a woman, and she put something round on my stomach, and then stabbed me with something thin and sharp. The woman was called Dr. Alfaro. She stabbed me twice(she took the needle out though) and shoved something sharp up my leg, and kept it there. She put me in a metal box, and kept me in there for a while. It was uncomfortable. Soon she took me out and put me on a cold table, afterwards she put me back in the box and gave me a tiny treat, and some oval nuggets.

Later that day, my human came back for me, gee and I felt better! "Wait one second sweetie, I forgot my wallet" it said. I never saw her again after that. She did not come to save from the place that smelled like blood. She abandoned me. 

According to the DOG (UNDER SEVERE EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن