"Whatever Chim now shoo."

The sun was now gone, making place to a beautiful night.

Jimin and you are walking down the brick path at the park, the light from the post lamp lighting your way.

The chilly wind caressed yours and Jimin's face, and you both smile at the cool sensation kissing your skin.

People are strolling down the park in groups of two or more holding hands and talking loudly, kids were laughing while running around looking happy.

A smile tugged your lips, enjoying the moment like you have nothing to worry like the world belongs to you.

Jimin look at you, staring at the side of your profile adoringly, the moonlight caressing your skin in a beautiful glow making you look ethereal.

Jimin's eyes softened, a warm feeling spreading through his chest as he watch your lips stretch in a beautiful smile.

This was it, this was his chance to talk to you, however his tongue felt like steel in his mouth. He didn't know what to say, or ask or how to act infront of you.

Feeling his gaze on you, you peer at the man that walking beside you and Jimin felt his breath halt when your eyes met his.

"Why do you look like you can't breath?" You giggle.

Because I am.

"Don't look at me like that tiger." Jimin finally breath out, sounding like you were torturing him as he look away from your doe like eyes and quicken his pace.

You squint your eyes at the pink hair man and with furrowed brows you ask in dumbstruck.

"Look at you like what?" You raise a brow, picking your strides to match his pace.

"Like that." He just huff, glancing at you for a short while then forward.

An astonish smile tugged the corner of your lips, amuse at the way he was acting.

The both of you had now reach the bridge, peering down at the purple ribbon of water flowing slowly that reflects the lights of the park as you both stand in the middle, clutching the railing as you look below.

You look up and let out a happy sigh, the sky was a warm navy, stars made invisible because of the lights of the city. A perfect moon crescent partly hidden under a thick layer of fluffy clouds.

"It's a beautiful night." You said, your smile reaching your eyes and you glance at your accompany.

Jimin was silent, and your smile falter and frown ceased to be visible.

"What's wrong Chim?" You ask, worry written on your face as you stare at the man beside of you.

Jimin breath in and run his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know why it upsets me, it upsets me that you can't remember the-" he stops, lowering his gaze on the flowing water below.

"Remember the what?" You ask softly, tilting your head to the side, curiously.

Jimin swing his eyes to you, his face is serious, lips set in a thin line, eyes sharp and narrowed, he straighten his back and you quietly watch as he took a step closer, eyes never leaving your eye/color eyes in a deep stare.

A gasp escape your lips when all of the sudden he slide his hand on the middle of your back and behind your neck, pulling you abruptly close to his body.

Your arms circled his shoulders instinctually and his grip tightened on your hips. You breath hitch in your throat at the feeling of his toned front pressed against yours, and your heart drumming frantically in your chest suddenly getting nervous.

Jimin glanced down at you, and let out a rough shaky breath, sounding like you were making it hard for him.

"Why can't I get you out of my head y/n?" He whisper, rhetorically, his mellow eyes softening at you.

You were confuse, you don't seem to remember anything as if it's hazy somewhere in your memory and it infuriates Jimin.

"I don't understand Jimi-" You barely finished asking your question before Jimin's soft hands cupped the sides of your face and his lips slammed onto your own.

Your breath hitch, your eyes were wide open in shock as you hardly process what's happening.

Jimin's lips tremble and parted slightly, as his firm and sensuous lips caressed your mouth. His gentle hand glide down your face and chin, feeling the smooth skin of your neck and your stiff shoulders.

Jimin's eyes slowly closed and a happy glow crept across his face when you didn't move away.

The feeling of his lips against yours resurfaced the memory and you suddenly remember it clear as it all flash back at once.

During the party, Jimin and you shared a kiss but you seem to forgot it when you witness Taehyung beat a guy senseless for touching you.

"I know you remember now y/n, don't you?" Jimin whisper against your lips, pulling back slightly and resting his forehead on yours.

You were still flabbergasted and you could only nod slowly.

Jimin's fingertips dragged down your skin slowly until he reached your waist. His hands clutching your sides tightly and pull you closer.

Shifting his head into the crevice of your neck, Jimin muttered, "I like you y/n."

Everything seems to stop and you could hear your heart beat drumming in your chest and reach your ears.

Jimin likes me?

You were startled at his revelation and you're not certain of what to feel and how to react.

You were stagger and your emotions is all over the place.

You open your mouth only to close it again as if you lose the words to say as you were still taken a back.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way right now, I just want you to know." Jimin whisper breathily, his voice soft and gentle.

Jimin's lips moves against the smooth skin of your neck and you flush red at how intimate your position right now but you don't have the heart to push him away.

You're afraid you've hurt him for not receiving any response from you but judging from the smile you felt against your pulse point, it was good enough for Jimin that he finally confess.

You take him by surprise when you suddenly wrapped your arms around his waist and embrace him, pressing your cheek against his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat.

Jimin smile, humming in fulfilled, and nuzzle his nose against your hair breathing in your comforting scent. It was more than enough for him to have you in his arms and letting you know how he felt.

My StepBrother    Taehyung x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat