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I woke up the next day with a grunt, the bright sunlight coming from the nearby window beaming down my face that became my alarm.

I groan, rolling on my belly and bury my face deep on my pillow to block the sunlight from hitting my face but I ended up falling face plant on the floor and my legs entangles on the sheets.

I moan, feeling the pain spread in my whole face.

That hurts

I mumble against the floor that I'm having a lips to lips moment with.

I hadn't realize that I'm already sleeping on the edge of the bed.

I groggily lift myself up from the ground, falling twice in the process because of the sheets that get tangled on my feet and I just realize how unlucky I am.

A very nice way to wake up in the morning.

I sleepily sat on the edge of my bed with my eyelids still close and yawn unlady like while stretching my limbs, smiling to myself when I hear the sound of cracking joints.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and turn my gaze to the alarm clock I have over my night stand and my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I realize that I only have 30 minutes left before the class starts.

Oh fuck.

Jumping on my feet, I rush to the bathroom and hurriedly strip on my clothes and get in the shower.

I manage to finish doing the necessary things I do during shower in ten minutes and quickly ran back to my room almost slipping on the process because of my wet footsteps.

Thank goodness I quickly gain my balance back before I have my face plant on the floor again.

I didn't care what I will wear anymore and just pick random clothes to match and get dressed.

I look at my wrist watch and check the time, making me cursed under my breath.

10 minutes left shet.

Grabbing my school bag and important belongings such as phone and money, I went sprinting down the staircase and rush out the door going to my car.

Mom call after me telling me to have breakfast before leaving but I'm hurrying to care so she have nothing to do.


"Ms. y/l/n you're late again." Mr. Lim sighs, giving me a disapproving look when I enter the class, panting and sweating.

I continued walking inside not even listening while he spoke infront turning my back on him.

I take the same seat I took last day and immediately slump on my chair, looking out the window to stare outside while Mr. Lim pick up on discussion.

I still get the same attention and stare from the students like yesterday.

Is it okay for them to stare like that long here?

"Hey there little tiger."

I was jolted out from my thoughts when I heard sudden voice spoke.

I turn my head to the source of the voice and met gaze with a pervert that I hadn't notice the presence until now.

I immediately recognize him because of his hair color and good looking face, he's one of the many perverts I encounter yesterday, he was sitting on the last row with the other three that I have class with yesterday.

My StepBrother    Taehyung x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum