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I walk down the long hallway heading to my locker to get my stuff for my next class.

Jimin was not with me today making me wonder where did he went but if I'm not mistaken I saw him pulling some girl that I recognize in one of my class inside a Janitor closet.

I would still get the same attention from the students everytime I walk passed by but I'm getting used to it by now and it doesn't bother me as much as it bothers me before surprisingly.

They would stare at me with foreign looks and some with awe.

It's been almost three months that I've been here anyway and I'm getting used to everything new around me.

I put on my code and open my locker when I got there, getting my needed stuff and shove it inside my bag.

But I was suddenly startled when I feel a tap on my shoulder and a presence beside me.


I swung my eyes at the person and I came face to face with a guy I recognize the face yesterday.

He was the guy at the football field.

I offer him a friendly smile,

"Hi." I greet.

"You drop this."  The guy smile, bringing his hand infront of him.

I furrowed my brows and look at the object he's holding.

My eyes gaze wide open when I recognize it.

It's my bracelet charm.

He handed it to me and I took it in my hand.

"Thank you." I smile at him doing a small bow in gratefulness.

"You're welcome." He genuinely smile shaking his head dismissively.

"I'm Minhyun by the way." He introduce after a while, sticking his hand infront of me to grasp.

I didn't hesitate and curl my fingers around his hand exchanging a firm shake.

"I'm Y/N." I introduce myself as well, smiling at him.

"Nice to meet you Y/N."

"Nice to meet you Minhyun."

We both said at the same time and look at eachother before we laugh that just lasted shortly.

"So see you around then." Minhyun grin, uncurling his fingers around my hand.

He seems nice and kinda awkward, reminding me of Jin except that Jin is a pervert sometimes.

I drop my hand on my side and pressed my lips in a smile, I nod assuredly.

"I'm sure I'll see you around." I chuckle making him laugh as well.

"I better go now." He said, walking backwards while still facing me with a grin on his face.

"Bye." I smile, lifting my hand to wave at him.

Minhyun wave back before turning around to head to his destination.

I turn around, going to my direction as well with a wide smile on my face.

I think I already made a friend.

~ ~ ~

I was walking down the long hallway with a smile still lingering on my face after meeting Minhyun.

But as I turn around a corner the smile on my fave drops when I suddenly caught a horrid sight.

Taehyung is indeed in the area shoving some girl against the wall in a middle of a heated make out session.

My StepBrother    Taehyung x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum