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I woke up with a horrible pounding head the next morning and I let out a loud groan, the familiar taste of alcohol still lingers in my tongue, and my head hurts.

I should have not drink too much last night...

I groan groggily, snuggling my face deeper on my pillow but the pillow doesn't feel soft underneath my cheek like how it should feel.

I'm surely not sleeping in a rock am I?

My face scrunch up in confuse as I feel something heavy weight drape over my waist.

I shift around the bed to make myself comfortable but then I feel something move underneath me and I hear a groan and just then I realize that someone is sleeping next to me.

What the...

My eyes burst open in surprise and I slowly look up to see a sleeping Taehyung.

My head is pressed against his chest that I could feel his chest vibrates when he breath.

Oh no.

My eyes widen in bewilderment and I jump out in his arms in panic making me dizzy from the swift movement than I already am.

"What are you doing in my fucking room?!" I yell, pressing my palm against my forehead and groan as I feel another wave of dizziness hit me.

Awww huhu.

"Goodmorning ugly." Taehyung groggily greet, his voice still thick and heavy from sleep as he just woke up from a slumber.

Early morning and he's already teasing me?

He stretched his arms and long legs, yawning as he slowly opened his heavy lids and look at me, his lashes still fluttering against his upper cheek,

He smirks.

"It was fun last night." Taehyung remark, grinning at me.

My jaw drop in bewilderment and I look at him in incredulity, as events last night flash my mind.

All I can remember was drinking with Yoongi and everything after that is a blur!

Oh my gosh, don't say-

My gaze slowly trail down on my body nervously and I let out a sigh in relief I've been holding in when I found myself still on the dress I wore last night.

This idiot.

And what the hell? I didn't even wash my face last night.

I point my glare at Taehyung, fuming in annoyance and stride in his direction in big strides.

"You shit." I grumble, grabbing a pillow behind his back and smacking it on his face.

Mom and his dad can't know about us sleeping together.

"You take advantage of me while I'm drunk didn't you?!" I growl in each hit I throw that he manage to dodge.

Taehyung laughs heartedly and swiftly grab the pillow from my grasp throwing it behind him.

I glare at him.

"I'm just kidding." He chuckles like it was so funny taking a hold of both of my wrist and pull me over the bed in one swift that take me in surprise.

I shriek feeling my body bounce on the spring bed with Taehyung hovering on top of me.

I gulp, realizing how close his face to my face.

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