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The loud blaring music could be heard even outside of the party house, car lined up on both side of the road making it hard for some vehicle to pass through, I'm surprise no one report this yet to the cops for violating the policy of no double parking.

"Let's go" said Jungkook, looping his arm to mine as we walk together inside the party house and were greeted by the strong smell of alcohol and mixture of sweats.

The music was pumping loudly through the house making it hard to hear, the house is packed, teenagers where everywhere either dancing or drinking, some are making out others are talking but mostly everyone is simply just having fun.

"Tiger I'm going to get us some drinks!" I heard kookie yelled through the loud music.

I turn around to look at him, the loud blaring music making it hard for us to hear but we manage to shout back words to eachother.

"I'm coming with you!" I shouted back.

I don't want to wait here not to mention alone while he get us some drink, and beside I haven't seen the other guys yet since we get here.

"Okay" he grins looking like a bunny. (A/N: a very hot one)

Interwining our hands together kookie lead the way since he knows the direction better than me as I closely follow behind his back probably afraid of the term of getting lost.

I'm not really a fan of crowded place, it's always chaotic and people smell sweat.

Pushing through a big crowd of people, I hold on tight on Kookie's hand so we won't lost eachother but someone pushed me and I accidentally loose grip of Jungkook's hand as the large swarm of people seperate us apart from each other.

I frantically look around and push my way out the crowded dance floor in hope to find Jungkook but to no sign of him.

Damn, this place is crowded making it even harder finding him.

"Kookie!" I called out in hope to find him but the pumping music made my voice barely audible.

"Where could he be?" I wonder out loud as I search every corner, hall and room for Jungkook but miserably failed,

I frown.

Jungkook was nowhere in sight.

Walking over to a less chaotic and clamorous corner, I phone the lads pressing the first name on my contact which happens to be Hoseok.

His phone rang and after three consecutive rings he finally pick up, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello?" A very familiar voice of Hoseok ask.

His voice came out slur, most probably drunk.

"Where are you"

"I'm in the-"

"What? "

The loud pumping music makes it hard to hear and made it hard to understand what he's trying to say on the other line, I groan incredibly loud.

"What?!" I cup my ear blocking the loud blaring music to hear her but miserably failed since the music is on full blast.

"I can't hear you!" I yelled through the phone in frustration.




"Hello? Hoseok?"

There's no response but the constant beeping.

I pull out from the phone and look at bright screen to see that the call has already ended, he hung up on me.

My StepBrother    Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now