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You lift your head up to see Minhyun standing in-front of your seat after the class lecture ends.

Students are flying out of the classroom hurrying to get to the cafeteria, leaving you and Minhyun alone in the room.

"Hey Minhyun." You offer him a close lipped smile glancing at him for a second as you shoved your binder in your bag.

"Are you free tonight?"

You look back up at him just as you zipped the zipper of your bag to see Minhyun scratching the back of his neck, he sounds uncertain and nervous in-front of you.

You pursed your lips restraining yourself from laughing at his discompose state and clear your throat.

"Yeah and I would love to come with you later night." You told him straightly forward with a sweet smile, rising on your seat and slide the strap of your small backpack over your shoulder.

He's been asking you out for a while now but your good of a brother keep disrupting every time.

Minhyun lips curl to a wide smile at your response, it took him awhile to respond as he was still in his elated zone.

"I'll pick you up at six."

"See you later then Minhyun."

You kindly smile then walk past him, heading towards the door with Minhyun eyes lingering at your retreating figure, a happy expression on his face.

Hoping your stepbrother won't interfere this time.

"What took you so long?" Taehyung ask as you lower your bottom on the seat between him and Jin when you arrive at the cafeteria with the others already there.

Leaving his question unanswered, you turn your head to your other side.

"Jin oppa can I have some of that?" You politely ask as you eyed the piece of meat on Jin's plate.

Heads turn towards you in surprise at the sudden honorifics, Jin who's sitting beside you and busy chewing on his stake froze and slowly turn his head towards your direction.

"What?" You raise a brow noticing the others are looking at you as well like you suddenly grew three heads, annoyed at the stares they're giving you, you glare.

"I'm just being polite." You groan.

"Yah I'm older than you too you should call me oppa." Taehyung eventually protest, narrowing his eyes at you in complaint. "You never once call me oppa you piece of dimwit."

Rolling your eyes, you poke your tongue at him and return your attention to Jin who was still in squeamish state and have his chopstick halfway to his mouth, his cheek bulging with food like a squirrel with his mouth stuffed.

Your lips twitch to a smile as you wrapped your small hand around his and guide his chopstick to your mouth, making him feed you.

You didn't even realize how unusual you were acting.

Jin on the other side was caught off guard end up choking on his food, you couldn't stop yourself from laughing as you watch Jin coughed violently and gulp the entire water in the water bottle.

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