17 | I Hate This Girl With Every Fiber Of My Being

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Chapter Seventeen
Rhys Chandler

The only thing that kept me pondering on this decision is Dimitri, if not for him I would not be here, and the matter of taking Jayce Mirella's case would be nonexistent. I wanted to debunk her flawed statement as I did not understand or grasp the concept of a God that was supposed to be all mighty and kind. Where was his everlasting kindness when my mother was dying right before my eyes?

If there was a God he would not have allowed such a cruel thing to happen to my mother who believed in his name with all she had and worshiped him in the church every Sunday and whenever she could. If there was a God he would not have let her, his child, suffer such a painful death. If there was a God he would not have allowed me, a naive child who foolishly believed in him too, to watch someone I love with everything in me die right before my eyes without being able to do anything. I had to watch as her eyes slowly grow dim leaving the light in her eyes to vanish without a trace, the movement of her body lessening by the second as her remaining life ticked away one by one. If such a God existed, he was cruel.

Choosing not to delve too deeply into the controversy that is religion knowing that it would only ignite memories of my mother, I swallow as I shove both of my hands into my front pockets. Doors open and I look directly at the tall man that walks out in a police uniform. His jet black hair is pulled up into a man bun with the sides shaved neatly like he just recently got a shape up, his thick eyebrows are trimmed into a nice shape, his beard and mustache have been taken care of properly like he trims and takes care of it every morning. He takes great care of his appearance, that's my first outlook of him.

'Mateo Gonzalez,' is what his name tag reads as he strides in with ease and an inviting look on his face which tells me that he is a people's person. I briefly glance over to Laura and notice the glint in her eyes as she fretfully plays with her ponytail once again. Looking back at Mateo, I nod to myself. This is the guy that she was talking to on the phone.

When Mateo is close enough to me he immediately extends his right hand out for a handshake with a polite smile spread across his face. I clasp my hand around his own in a firm handshake.

"Hello Rhys Chandler, I'm Mateo Gonzalez but you probably knew that from my name tag." He chuckles lightly as I retract my hand.

Before I can say anything in reply, Laura begins to laugh like what he said was the funniest joke she's ever had the pleasure to hear. I look at her as does Mateo, and we watch as she covers her mouth in embarrassment and ducks down in an attempt to hide despite fully knowing that we can still see her. I suppose that she did that to somehow save whatever remaining pride she had left, but it did not matter.

Mateo looked at Laura's retreated form with a smile on his face as he shook his head, licked his lips, and turned back around to look at me. Nodding with an understanding of this silent exchange, I came to the conclusion that whatever Laura felt towards Mateo was reciprocated and fully mutual. Laura would not know that until either her or Mateo said something, and I would not interject myself into matters that did not concern me so I suppose that this would run on for quite a while.

I for the life of me will never understand why things, as it pertained to love was overly complicated by matters such as fear of rejection. You only cast over a veil of doubt as it drapes over your eyes, and blinds you with an irrational fear that has needlessly been placed there. It is this same fear of rejection that presents the reason why people miss the opportunity to date the person that possesses their affection, thus commences the faze where the person must get over the object of their affection as if they had dated when in reality it was all made up in their head. I cannot relate, and I would never be able to relate, matters concerning love are nothing I ever need to worry about as my focus is work, and work alone.

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