13 | She Is THAT Bad

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Chapter Thirteen
Rhys Chandler

I furiously throw my office doors open with a frown on my face that seems to be permanently etched onto my features, I wouldn't be surprised if I had frown lines as I grow older and it would ultimately be because of that wretched human being. Through my rage, I barely notice Dimitri spinning around in my office chair by my desk, twirling around jovially as he tosses my broken black stapler up into the air repeatedly only to swiftly catch it with his baseball like reflexes.

Clenching my teeth as they grind together, the thoughts of that horrid being swim through my mind doing continuous laps that only serve to further aggravate my entire being. If I was a cartoon you'd surely be capable of seeing the steam flush out through my ears as my eyes pop out of my head, my fist swelled into the size of balloons, however since I'm human — thankfully— I probably looked like an explosion waiting to happen.

Dimitri has yet to take notice of my sour mood until I practically rip off my jacket and roughly throw the clothing material against the coat hanger instead of neatly placing it back onto its hook as I usually, and always, did. I barely manage to see the way Dimitri catches the stapler in his large hand as he swivels in the chair to look at me with profound amusement captured on his perfectly chiseled and constructed face.

"Damn, what the hell did that clothing stand do to you?" His question was sarcastic and from the smile that teased his lips, I could tell that he was only mocking me thus I rolled my eyes at him and threw my middle finger up in response.

I watch the way his eyes widen significantly as he gives me a look of pure surprise to my unusual retaliation to his remarks that, on any other day, I would have thrown over my shoulder. This day was not like any other day. Something about that girl ground my gears and made my blood boil to a degree that wouldn't simmer down with just any simple means of brushing it off because Jayce Mirella is not someone you just brush off.

She's an insolent being, a bug that crawled beneath the layers of your skin and laid there until you were uncomfortably irritated no matter how composed you wish to be. I can't blink without seeing that cocky smile, hearing that obnoxious laughter, and feeling that in-suppressible wrath that she evoked so easily out of me.

"Whoa there, Rhys. You need me to fight that clothing rack for you?" Dimitri continues with his wit but I can see that there's actual concern behind his playful question.

"I cannot stand that girl," I mutter as I begin to pace around the room.

Dimitri adjusts his position on my office chair as he licks his lips. "Jayce?"

"Don't even speak her name within my presence, Dimitri. She's annoying, and I don't mean Luna annoying when she gushes about her obsession with boy bands, I mean saw off your ears annoying. Jesus Christ, that girl is just—" I lift my hands up and cup both of them into a 'c' formation faced adjacently with the figurative meaning that I wish I was choking her at the moment and I shake my hands with reverence to accentuate severity. "— that girl said my voice sounded similar to an officer who sounded like Pewee Hermann! I sound nothing like that officer with a squeaky voice, no offense to him of course, but I don't sound like a pubescent boy. Oh! Speaking of pubescence, I don't look like a child do I, Dimitri? I know I don't! For Christ's sake, women fawn over me, not to toot my own horn, but I look like a man. Can you imagine the gall that this girl has, Dimitri?!"

My voice raised multiple decibels higher, and I would not be surprised in the slightest if the hard-working lawyers all over this floor could hear my rant but I could care less if that were to be true or if I sounded too over dramatic at the moment. Dimitri looks at me with nothing but confusion as he blinks profusely and swallows. I can only imagine how much my sudden outburst startled him, I know that I freaked him out.

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