Getting ready for the subcommittee meeting

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The North American Vampire Council Subcommittee on Clovis Daigle would be meeting tonight. Sometimes they met at the church. Tonight it would be in the warehouse district. Tucked safely away from prying eyes.

Becky looked over the reports on Clovis when her husband Jon came into the kitchen and saw her spread out on the table.

He bent over her and kissed her neck. "Hi, Hon".

She reached up and offered her mouth, which he kissed with intent.

"Hi, baby. Have a good day?" Becky asked.

Jon looked at her and read his wife's expression and semi slumped body attitude. "Better than you I think."

Becky's eyes widened. "Really? I look that bad?"

Jon scoffed. "Right: You look bad. The eternal twenty-five-year-old. Actually, you do need some touchups on your fake gray there, but that's not the point. You look unhappy. Stressed."

Becky shrugged "Council business."

Jon's hands went up in a surrender pose. "Say no more. Please. I insist."

"Like I could say more. You may be a human in the circle of trust, but there are things even you can't know about.

"I know. I know. It's nothing. Still, afterward, if you like, I'll get some nice wine. Some candles. We'll float around in the hot tub and try and wash away your day. Sound good?"

"Very good. Thanks, babe. Oh.. You up for a little feeding and foreplay? I could use the boost."

Jon looked at his briefcase for a second.

"Sure. No problem. I can work on this while you are off doing your mysterious Vampire stuff."

"I'll be back there in ten minutes or less. Need to reread this last thing." Becky said.

Jon knew from fifteen years of marriage that 'back there in ten' meant 'go take off your clothes and lay on the bed' and wait for her. Given what making love with a Vampire is like? A decade and a half in, and it's still fun. The hard part is to not look like you are over-eager.

Becky watched him go and felt fortunate. Jon is a state senator. She had one of the few Council encouraged marriages going on right now, and that meant Jon could know who and what she is. He is heavily conditioned with the hypnotics in her fangs to never let anything out: Not about her and not about Vampires. Often marriages like this are about convenience. Vampiric influence over things going on in the human world. Jon is viewed as an up and comer in the human world, and Becky, as the leader of a church, is good for his public image. No one ever asked him questions about what church he went to. Becky ran a very middle of the road, open-minded ministry. Her talks are all about love and acceptance. She is definitely not a hellfire and damnation preacher. Neither was Jesus.

Jon is probably going to move onto the national stage next election. That would put him in a place to know things. Influence things. The council needs and wants that influence, so they sent Becky to seduce him a decade and a half ago. At that point, it had been a long time since Becky took on a human marriage like this. Her friend on the council, Helen, did them far more often. Helen is ambitious and the youngest NorthAm Council member ever, so those political marriages down the centuries are in great part her own choice.

As luck would have it for Becky, Jon is a good man, An honest politician. For Becky, her love for her husband is now real. Their problem as a married couple is that she does not age: Not in any human way. He looked a well kept and fit forty. With her clothes off, and not wearing her makeup, Becky still looks twenty-five.

Jon did not mind that she is physically so young. For her, he is young in bed still. Jon worked very hard to stay in shape and healthy. The day would come too quickly: She could only age herself so much with makeup. Sooner or later, he is going to look a lot older than her, and not long after that, she will have to 'die'. It would be tragic. Jon would mourn her passing. Perhaps even think it real.

Jon and Becky have time yet. Another fifteen or twenty years. She could be a very young looking sixty. Sixty-five even. Perhaps she'd start a rumor about a good plastic surgeon. Becky was in no hurry to be single again.

She finished up the report. It did not tell her anything new upon being re-read. She packed it all away in a folder, put that in an Attache, and locked the case. He is naked and waiting for her, and she is going to have a quick sip of his blood, and then skip the foreplay for a quickie with her husband and her love. She said foreplay but decided she needed more. If she is late... so what? Clovis Daigle would still be there.

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