You and Me, This and That

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This section is about your and my relationship, and how the books are written in general.


If you comment on something, I make an effort to reply. Example: If you ask:

'Why did Helen not take off her bra in that scene? She was getting undressed for sex'

I will explain that

'Helen, being born in the 1400s, came from a time when women did not wear bras. Bras were not even a thing. Helen does not need them, and she does not like them. She did not take off her bra in that scene because she did not have one on to take off. In Strip Poker, she starts with a one article of clothing disadvantage. Not that Helen would tolerate that. Helen is very much an 'I have on three things, you strip down till you have on three things' kind of woman.


That is not a question I ever actually got, but Helen's underwear, or lack thereof does come up later in this book. Someone once commented on the idea that bras have not actually been around all that long, in the grand scheme of things.

Sci-Fi, Sex, and Romance

This series is Science Fiction romance. There is a lot of sex on all the spare furniture. Everything about sex is framed in the rules of the world.

The people that love this series say that they were looking for something new, different, and not filled with standard romance tropes. Who their favorite Vamp is often changes along the journey as well.

Conversely, by The Shape of Things to Come, there are so many Vampires that I have complaints about things like 'What happened to Denise' (or whatever Vampire they like) because every page can't have every Vampire. Some go off stage now and then.

When you live thousands of years the rules change. Life and love change. My theory: You love more not less. Your mind opens to the possibilities. Nothing is ever more true than the simple idea that 'Love is Love'.

Being a Vampire, and able to live for millennia means love changes to adapt to long life. It does not go away, and you don't need less of it. The needs are all still there. Being a Vampire means you have time enough to learn about love.

Language of Sex and Preferences

These are mature books with poly themes. Any given person in the book has preferences, so just because (for example) one person is straight or gay or bi or anywhere along the spectrum from one end to the other, their preferences are theirs. Just like you.

I argued with myself long and hard about how descriptive to be with some things. There is a lot of sex. But you will not find this:

'He pulled out his massive member, and she gasped. It looked like a telephone pole, and she worried if she was going to be able to fit that inside her'

Etc etc.

If I DID use that kind of line, it would be followed by

'She now knew where the missing telephone pole up the street went. No wonder the cable and Internet were out.'

There are four exceptions to this, off the top of my head.

In Maria, there is a reference to a woman being tight. In Erotica, that's usually considered a good thing, but in the context of that scene, it was not.

In Bad Choices, Morgan tells The Tale of Three Dicks. Size of male accoutrements is involved in the tale. Morgan, as a former Cop, has heard and seen it all.

It also comes up in a short story about Morgan called I Just Wanted a Beer (

There are several references in The Shape of Things Of Things to Come to a male Vampire being large in his male presence. He is a male Vampire and works in adult films with explicit sex being filmed. In that profession, a man being larger than the average is an entry-level requirement.

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