Stay in Your Place, Male

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Jessica and I relaxed in the living room after a quick run to the grocery store and a little local bookstore / coffee shop. We stocked up on food and books, including a few graphic novels. Jessica was reading a new 'Batman' that recently came out. I had a Vampire book. I have never read a Vampire graphic novel. Gory. I put that one down, and picked up'"Vampirella' and read that.

I waved the Vampirella graphic book to show it to Jessica. "Please tell me that the only thing that is true in these Vampire books is that you spend a great deal of time wearing next to nothing style outfit's."

Jessica gave a derisive laugh. "Please. As if. Besides, I'm naked when we are not outdoors, at least most of the time. You do seem to prefer that. Most of that book or any Vampire fiction is either made up by humans or is misdirection by Vampires seeded over the last few centuries. We may not allow real records to be kept about us, but we do write stories and put them out if it serves a purpose. Vampire Truthiness."

I tossed the book aside and looked Jessica over, head to toe. "I do prefer you naked. It's true. I never met anyone before that takes what I want into that much account."

Jessica shrugged "Doing something for someone else that has practically no cost to one's self is not generosity. For me, not having to wear clothes is a blessing. When I was born, women's clothing was not comfortable." She looked down and made a sort of presenting gesture. "You cannot have a shape like mine and be happy in restrictive clothing. Fashion does not always favor a curvy lady. Women's clothes are better now than they used to be, but being undressed is better still. I do not need clothes to stay warm. I would not be au naturel around a man I have not slept with unless I was trying to provoke something. For all my Vampire life being naked around a man meant some blood, some sex that was not always great, and then a 'see you later'. Not counting a few sex clubs along the way I went to with a friend that were fun. There is almost no part of me you have not explored, often and in detail. Wearing clothes around you would not make you want me less. You may in fact not be a Vampire. You might be a Horndog."

"Guilty. Don't fool yourself: I want to explore you much more than I have, but you are distracting me."

A smile. "Sorry. You had a question?"

"Tell me more about the real us." I held up the two graphic novels "The stuff not in here, or is wrong in here."

Jessica settled in. "Ok. No one knows when we first emerged as a separate species though of necessity it must be a long time ago. The fossil record is sparse. Add in the way minerals swap around as part of fossilization and some of the bones could be Vampire. We followed the human evolutionary line, given how we are born or if your prefer 'made'. There are no Vampire great Apes. Like there is SIV and HIV, what infects us does not seem to infect Apes. Not that I have had sex with many Apes; just a few humans that acted like them."

"Was that fun?" I had to ask.

"Sometimes. Depended on my mood at the time. I used to favor a more macho type of male lover. Recently I have decided I like a nicer, gentler flavor. Anyway: Most vampires do not live beyond 2000 or 3000 years, because they get bored or have an accident. We think we can live a great deal longer. Not forever, but longer. Oldest Vampire I ever met still looked like she was about twenty-five. Still, use 2000 years as an average, in 5 lifetimes that long, you are back before written history. In fifteen lifetimes, you are back at the beginning of modern humans. That's not what a vampire generation is though. Vampires are created continuously."

I nodded "There is probably more truth to the Vampire legends than human ones. A story going through three Vampire generations to get through 5000 years is likely to be far more accurate than a story going through 500 human generations over that same time."

Naked Came the Vampire (Hypernaturals 1)Where stories live. Discover now