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"Is it wrong for me to want you? Is it wrong for me to watch you? I just want you to be mine. Just mine. No one elses. Is it wrong for me to love you? Could you please tell me is it wrong.."


I had just arrived at school rather late must I add since Kam and I forgot to put an alarm for our first day. I was running through campus the books in my hand almost slipping off my fingers. My white sneakers stomped against the wet pavement from the rain last night.

I was running out of breath and I couldn't help but blame myself for not going to the gym or running a lap around the apartment. Instead, I choose to sit on the couch re-watching The Vampire Diaries for what might be the seventh time with a bag of chips on my lap.

But that's beside the point. Holding on to my chest I tried to breathe properly before entering my classroom. A few heads snapped my way as the old door creaked as I opened it wider and stepped inside. Pulling my lips into my mouth I looked around for an empty seat.

Spotting one, it the last one left in the back and I smiled. I hated sitting in the front.

I took fast steps towards the back of the class. The professor just continued with his lecture not minding me walking in late.

Placing my books on the wooden desk I also placed my bag on the floor. Once I sat down I let out a hash breath I was holding in. And to think I could start this year on a good note but I couldn't even get out of bed on time. I guess there's always next year.

Puling my white skirt down a bit I crossed my legs and took my phone out from my bag, sending a quick text to Kam telling her to meet me at the cafeteria. I was starving and for some reason, my stomach does this thing where it has to freaking growl like I haven't eaten in days once the whole room is quiet. So right now I had my fingers crossed that, that won't happen.

"Well look who happens to have the same class." someone spoke from beside me.

You got to be kidding me.

"Hi," I said monotone taking in his appearance now out in daylight. He wore your basic fraternity look. Kaki short, that were a little too short if you ask me and a blue polo. His black hair was styled to the side now. Sure he wasn't bad looking. I mean I did fuck him.

"No text. No calls. What a shame I thought we had fun on Friday." James said rather loud as he leaned over his desk getting closer to me his lips pushed out into a pout.

"I guess you don't know the definition of a one night stand then." not bothering to look up from my phone anymore I checked a few other texts and DMs I had before putting it away and actually trying to pay attention.

The rest of the class was alright. But it was kinda hard trying to stay awake they way the professor spoke with such boredom. He could probably put a whole stadium to sleep just by the way he talked even if it were the most exciting story he though he was telling. But I did my best, I took down some notes and gathered as much information as I could.

The class was now dismissed and I made my way to the door. Dialing Kams number I waited for her to pick up.

"Michelle!" turning back around James came up running to my side. Tucking my hair behind my ear I waited for him to catch up to me.

"So when can I buy you that drink I owe you?" he asked throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

I shook my head and laughed. "I'll make sure to call you when I'm thirsty then." patting his chest I turned back around and walked out of the classroom. I just heard him chuckle and turn away in the other direction.

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