Chapter Two>>

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 Remember when we couldn't take the heat, I walked out and said, "I'm settin' you free,". But the monsters turned out to be just trees and when the sun came up you were lookin' at me, you were looking at me."

Out of the Woods, Taylor Swift.


Chapter Two>>

"They ate the liver?" Scott questioned.

"No, I didn't say that. I said it was missing." Stiles corrected. "Besides, so what if they did. It's the most nutritious part of the body."

"I never ate anyone's liver." 

"Yeah right. Because when it comes to werewolves you're a real model of self control." His hand shot out stopping Scott. "Actually wait, hold on. You're the test case for this. We should be going over what happened to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what was going through your mind when you were turning. What were you drawn to?"

"Allison." Stiles let out a huge breath.

"Okay, nothing else?"

"Nothing else mattered. But that's good though right. Because, before Jenna got bit I saw her with you."

Stiles shook his head. "Yeah but we were sorta fighting."

"But you told me you guys kissed."

Stiles shrugged. "We did. Then she told me she didn't want to be runner up next to Lydia."

Scott nodded. "I see."

Stiles threw his head back. "When did things get so complicated?"

"The moment I got bit."

He gave Scott a look. "Ain't that the truth."


Coach called attention in the locker room. "Let go. Gather round, I have an announcement. Quicker! Danny, put a shirt on."

"Listen up, police are asking for help on a missing child advisory. Two sick girls rooming around the woods, naked."

Some immature dweebs whistled. "It's suppose to get down to forty degrees tonight and I don't  know about you guys but the last time it was that cold and I was running around naked....I lost a testicle due to exposure."

"Now I don't want the same thing happening to some innocent girls. So police are putting together search parties for tonight. Sign up, find the missing girls, get an automatic A in my class."

Boys chuckled before grabbing the pen out of coach's hand to sign the paper.

On the other hand Stiles and Scott were trying to get some help from a different person, especially not one of their favorites: Jackson.

"If Lydia wants to take a naked hike in the woods why should I care? And Jenna too for that matter." He asked.

"Because, we have a pretty good idea that she might know, turning." Scott supplies.

"Turning? Turning into what?"

Stiles huffs. "A unicorn. What do you think dumbass?"

"I think if Lydia is turning, she's not the one that's going to be needing help."

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