Chapter Nine>>

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"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for."

Tom Bodett


Chapter Nine-Jenna's POV

The police, including my dad showed up about twenty minutes later lucky for Stiles and I the paralysis was wearing off. Me faster than him due to the supernatural abilities. He leaned against me until he could fully use his legs.

We sat on the back of the ambulance for what seemed like the millionth time since I have moved to Beacon Hills. Sheriff Stilinski sat to the right of Stiles, my dad on my left. Heavy tension in the air.

"Dad can I just go home?" I whined. He glared at me but sympathy was in my eyes. His body leaned in close to mine.

"Jenna this isn't the first time you've been at the discovery of a dead body you do realize that right?" I felt tears well up in my eyes knowing full and well that this hadn't been my first encounter with dead bodies.

"I know, but I swear, we just walked in and the jeep was on top of the guy." I sniffled and his glared broke wrapping me up in his arms he sighed.

"Okay kiddo. I'll see you at home. Go straight there you hear me, no detours." He pressed his lips against my forehead. "Maybe it would be a good idea to stay away from Stiles for a little while, yeah?"

My head whipped up, wide-eyed. "I'm just saying, whenever he's around you always seem to get yourself in trouble and then I get a call informing me that you are in the back of an ambulance. Do you know how hard that is on a father?"

My heart ached. I knew that I was putting him through a lot but it wasn't like I could just stay away from Stiles. Hell he was practically my boyfriend, besides that, if we didn't fight the monsters who would?

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

A sad smile graced his lips. "I know. Just think on it." With that he walked away leaving me with Stiles and his dad who were having a conversation.

"What's wrong with your hand?"

Stiles rubbed his still numb hand back and forth shaking it a little.

"Nothing. Can I just get out of here now?" I placed my hand on his back trying to calm his nerves as well as mine.

"Look, if there's something you don't think you can tell me, both of you..."

Stiles cut his dad off. "You think I'm lying?"

"No, of course not." On the defensive side. "I'm just worried about you."

He took another deep breath as the rain continued to pelt down. "Now, if you saw someone do this, and if you're afraid that maybe they're going to come back and make sure you two don't say anything about it..."

I moved my arm from Stiles back to lace my arm through his snuggling against him for warmth. "Mr. Stilinski, I promise you, we didn't see anything."

"At all." Stiles chimed in. "Can we go now please?"

He stared at us for a moment before pursing his lips and nodding. "Sure, but not in your jeep."

Both Stiles and I glanced at him. "We're going to have to impound it." Stiles scoffed giving a 'what the hell' look to his dad. He just shrugged. "Sorry kid, evidence. See you at home. Bye, Jenna."

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