Anger Management

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My teeth were grinding and my chest heaved as I panted in anger, "How could you do this? You knew I didn't like this trick and here you are, holding the bitch's hand!"

"Call me out my name one more time-" Davina cut her eyes at the woman making her stop mid sentence. She told me she handled it before, she told me she put her in her place, but yet here she was.

The way she looked at me all calm-like made me even more angry. Did she not feel bad that I had just caught her up? Not even an ounce of guilt was evident in her expression.

I looked at the other woman balling my fists up getting ready to pounce on her, but Davina was quick to grab me. She held onto my face,

"Hey!" I refused to look her in the eyes, I felt so betrayed and angry. There is no good explanation for this, there is no way she could get out of this.

"Look at me!" She turned my head, her hands still holding my face.

I reluctantly met her stare and all I saw in her eyes was the love she had for me. I wanted to be angry at her, I wanted to punch a wall, or that woman's face. I tried to keep my wall up and convince myself that there was no way out of this for her. But when she looked in my eyes I didn't even need to hear what she had to say, I already believed her. But I sure as hell wasn't going to let her know that.

She caressed my cheeks and breathed in and out trying to get me to mirror her actions and I did.

"C'mon" she grabbed my hand and I struggled against her at first, but she was surprisingly really strong. She turned to the booth speaking to the other woman,

"Wait there till we come back." And with that, we left her at the booth and continued past the tables drawing attention as we did.

She pulled me through the back of the restaurant and through a door leading into an empty alleyway. As soon as the door closed behind us she pushed me up against the wall with a hand on my chest taking me by surprise.

"Now that back there, was uncalled for." She pointed a finger at me with her free hand.

"Davina wh-" I struggled against her but she only pushed me back harder,

"NO! You did all that talking back there, now it's my turn." Her eyes grew darker and a chill crawled up my spine. I know I should be mad at her right now, but this dominant side of her was extremely sexy and I couldn't help but feel incredibly turned on right now. Stay strong Jan, don't let her get off that easy.

"Now you're gonna stand here, and listen to what I have to say. You're not going to say a word until I'm finished. Understand?" I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded once.


Something in me has changed,
My entire world has shifted on its axis.
In the morning my heart soars
Because I know that you belong to me, and I to you
I stare at my reflection and I can see plain as day
The way my skin is decorated with the poetry
That you've written on me with your own hands

—"You gonna take my order or what?" I'm instantly drawn away from my journaling as I take in the woman standing before me. I rolled my eyes,

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