❤She is the most beautiful lady in the entire cyan kingdom

❤Is the most powerful magician
Most desired lady

❤Magic:time magic (legendary magic) and the most powerful dark magic

❤She is ruthless and can be cruel

❤She has the best assassin skils

❤she ia cold and doesn't like to interfere with others

The first prince👑

The first prince👑

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❤First prince, dayle von cyan

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❤First prince, dayle von cyan

❤He is the second most handsome man of cyan kingdom

❤Magic: creation(legendary magic)

❤He is smart and flirtatious

❤He is the center of attention

❤Most desirable men

❤Likes beautiful women

Second 👑❤

Second 👑❤

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❤Second prince, Lucifer von cyan

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❤Second prince, Lucifer von cyan

❤The most handsome men of cyan kingdom

❤He the second most powerful magician

❤He doesn't likes to talk much and socialize

❤Magic:time magic (legendary magic)

❤Ruthless to those who hurt his loved ones 

King of cyan kingdom 👑

King of cyan kingdom 👑

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Queen of cyan kingdom❤

Queen of cyan kingdom❤

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