Waking up in a Small Apartment

Start from the beginning

"Uh, what time is it now?"

"Twelve twenty-four" he hums seeing it glow on the blonde's screen of his phone.

"I normally have to get ready at eleven, my work s-starts at two fifty so..I should start getting ready now!" the dancer rushes out of bed and stumbles before he catches himself, running to his small closet to look for an outfit. Craig chuckles.

"Why are you acting like you're running out of time? You have plenty-"

"T-that's where you're wrong, I will be late if I don't leave the house shortly, I'm not even sure i can walk there, I'll have to run or I'll be tardy!"

"I'll drive you, you'll have plenty of time. I took today off  anyways for our date." he blonde stares up in disbelief, his cheeks pink as he slows down his mind.

"O-oh! Okay then, t-thank you, t-that's actually really sweet!" the green eyed beauty smiles. He then gives a quick hug to the taller man, retreating to the bathroom with his bundle of clothes once he parts himself."I-I'll only be a few minutes, if you're hungry, I have Rice-crispies on the top cupboard to the left!" Tweek informs before closing the door. Craig sighs with an amused look. 

'No way in hell am I not surprising him with coffee and a proper breakfast' the giant decides, excited to see the small male's reaction.

He pulls out his phone and orders online. Once it arrives he pays and sets up the food on the dining table. He waits for Tweek to return as he sits on a chair in the room. Suddenly small arms wrap around him from behind.

"Well hello." he chuckles softly already knowing who it is.

"M-morning to you too handsome~"the blonde giggles.

"Did you have a good shower?" 

"T-that was last night dork! But yes, the water was cold, however,you warmed me up~" Tweek teases.

"Come." he covers Tweek's eyes with his hands and leads him to the kitchen. Craig smiles as he uncovers his eyes. "Surprise" the dancer stares in awe, rubbing his eyes.
"This can be real! H-how, I must be dreaming, s-somebody pinch me!"

"Like it?" he pulls the chair out for him.Tweek nods, unable to form words properly as he sits down.

"I-it's amazing! I-I don't know what to say, w-why did you do this for me?"

"I felt sick knowing you never probably never get this so well, enjoy, I didn't know what you like so I got everything, if you don't eat it you can save it for other mornings" Craig pushes the chair in "do you like it?"

"Yes! I-I don't know how I can ever thank you! If dragging a half asleep you up my stairs gives me warmth and food, I m-might just keep you!" Tweek jokes, looking at the food provided. 

Craig laughs softly watching Tweek with amusement in his eyes as the blonde goes for the omelet, stuffing his face happily. Green eyes stare up at the giant as he gulps some of the orange juice after swallowing his fifth bite.

"A-aren't you going to eat too?" The dancer asks, noticing the taller male has yet to touch anything.

"No I'm not hungry, I eat most days, I'll be alright until lunch" he smiles 'He's adorable.'

"Are y-you sure you don't want to try just a little bite?~"the blonde offers, cutting a piece and holding it out to the other.

"Well, maybe one" he leans forward taking it from the fork. "Mm~ You have a little something on your cheek" he leans even further and licks his cheek slowly and backs away. He winks and stands. "Enjoy~" the blonde turns red all over.

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