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Hermione and Draco stood on the platform, waving goodbye as their children boarded the train. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy stood next to them, waving as well. It was September 1, 2022 and Lucius had just gotten out of Azkaban a week prior.

They all watched watched as Scorpius and Stella waved goodbye from the window of the train. Atlas and Ophelia looked up at their parents with smiles. "We can't wait to go Hogwarts mum." They said in unison, making their grandparents laugh.

"Next year my loves. I can't wait for you to see it."
Hermione said kissing Atlas' cheek. Draco picked up Ophelia, even though she was far past the age of being picked up.

"Ophelia's not going to Hogwarts. I'll miss her too much," he said, swinging her around. Ophelia frowned at the thought of not going. "I'm just kidding ladybug," Draco said causing her to grin.

As the train departed, the family smiled and left the station hand in hand.


Scorpius found his friends sitting in the Slytherin carriage. He sat down across from Albus Potter and next to Rose Weasley, daughter of Ron Weasley and Astoria Greengrass. "Ready for 5th year Albus?" Scorpius asked.

"Very much so."

"Any girls you've got your eye on?" Rose asked, elbowing Scorpius with an evil smile.

Albus glared at Rose. "No time for girls. Have to worry about OWLs."

"You sound like my mother," Stella spoke, entering their carriage. Scorpius laughed and fist-bumped his sister.

"Gryffindors bored you to death already?" Scorpius asked.

"I just wanted to come and say hi. Everyone's talking about mum and dad and their romance and I just had to get out of there." Stella said, sitting down next to Albus. He was looking out the window intently. "Your secret girlfriend out there or something?" Stella asked jokingly. Albus rolled his eyes as a blush crept up his face.

"As if Stella," he said standing up. "I'm going to get something from the trolley. Anyone want anything?"

Scorpius and Rose shook their heads. Stella smiled. "I'll come with you. These two won't stop talking about the quidditch cup. It's been a month. Get over it."

Scorpius scowled at her as Albus opened the door for her. She slipped through, with him following. As they entered the hallway, Stella reached for Albus' hand. Albus made a face, sticking his hand in his pocket. Stella frowned and pulled him into an empty compartment. "What's wrong?" She asked stepping closer to him.

"Stella we have to stop this. Your brother is my best friend. Our parents are best friends. We can't keep hiding this," he said, crossing his arms.

"Albus, you know I can't tell Scorp yet. He'd freak out. And if dad knew, he would lose it. I just don't want to ruin what we have," she said, sitting down next to him.

"I just don't want to hide the fact that we're dating anymore. I want to be able to kiss you without hiding in broom closets and compartments." Stella smiled and leaned over to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his lap. "This shouldn't feel wrong Stell," he said leaning his forehead against hers.

"We'll tell our parents at Christmas ok?" She said kissing his nose lightly. "And we'll tell Scorpius today."

Albus smiled and kissed her again. "He won't be happy that his fourth-year sister is dating a fifth-year."

"My parents started dating their fourth year."

"We started dating your third year."

"No one needs to know that part. Otherwise my dad might actually kill you," she said standing up and holding her hand out for him. "Now let's go and tell my idiot brother." Albus placed his hand in hers as the exited the compartment. Stella took a deep breath before sliding open the door.

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