Chapter 10

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Hermione smiled as she opened the door to see a tall blonde boy with peonies in his hand smiling at her. She jumped into his arms and he pressed his face into her hair. "I've missed you so much," Hermione whispered, looking into her boyfriend's grey eyes.

"It's only been 2 weeks my love." Draco said with a smile, kissing her on the cheek. "Are you planning on inviting me in, or?"

Hermione laughed and pulled him into the house. "Mum, dad, Draco's here," she said as she entered the living room. Her parents stepped into the room smiling.

"Nice to meet you Draco. Hermione has told us so much about you," her mom said.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Granger. I brought these for you," Draco said smiling as he handed her the flowers. "Hermione told me they were your favorites,"

"They are! Thank you so much Draco. It's nice to have you visiting," she said as she walked out of the room to put the flowers into a vase. Hermione looked at her dad with a smile as she arched her eyebrow.

"Draco... Malfoy is it? Where is your family from?"

"Wiltshire sir. My family's home has been there for centuries."

"Interesting. We have a home in Bath that has been in the family for a few hundred. My sister lives in it now. Anyway, how long have you know Hermione?"

"I've know her for about 4 years now sir." Draco said quietly. Hermione smiled and reached for his hand.

"Dad, lets not grill Draco." Hermione joked. Her dad smiled and nodded.

"I suppose I'll stop it for now. One last question, my boy. How do you feel about my daughter?"

Hermione paled a little. Draco grinned as he spoke. "She's the sun to my earth. I am truly nothing without her. Your daughter is undeniably one of the best people I have ever met."

Hermione's dad nodded with a little smile on his face. Her mother patted Mr. Granger on the shoulder. "Draco that is one of the most romantic things I have ever heard. Hermione is lucky to have you," she said smiling.

"I'm the lucky one," Draco said as Hermione leaned her head onto his shoulder. The four of them talked for a little longer and then ate lunch together.

"Hermione dear why don't you show Draco the house. We have to head out for a little but we should be back in a couple hours," Mrs Granger said smiling as she picked up her purse. Hermione nodded and led Draco up the stairs to the room he would be staying in.

"You really surprised me today" Hermione said as she walked into the room and sat on the bed.

"What exactly did I surprise you about?" he asked sitting down next to her. She looked at him and smiled, leaning up to kiss him. His arms wrapped around her waist, as their lips touched. He slowly lowered her until her back was on the bed. His hands began to unbutton her shirt as her hands played with the hair on the nape of his neck. His head moved his lips to her neck. She arched her back and moaned lightly. His lips made their way down her body. Draco looked up and smiled. Hermione's eyes were lightly closed and she had just exhaled. She looked absolutely angelic.

"Draco?" She asked quietly.

"Yes my love?" He answered, laying beside her. She automatically moved so she could look at him, as she placed her head on her folded elbow.

"I don't think I'm ready for it yet,"

"It?" He asked, sitting up.

"Yeah, you know, it" she said tilting her head. Draco looked confused until it clicked in his head. He put his hand on her arm comfortingly.

"That's ok Mi."

"But I feel like it's unfair to you," she said, turning away.

"I would wait 3 centuries if it meant sharing that part of my life with you."

Hermione smiled and she attached her lips to his as she took his shirt off of his chest. He began to unbutton her jeans. He looked at her and she nodded lightly, giving him permission. She lifted her back off the bed and he pulled them off of her, throwing them onto the ground. He started kissing her stomach and moved down until he reached her underwear. He looked up at her again and she nodded again. He slid it down a few inches and moved his head in between her legs. Hermione moaned as he moved his tongue in ways she didn't think were imaginable.

Her eyes slowly opened and landed on Draco. "That mouth of yours is good for other things than just complementing me I see,"

"You're beautiful," he said, looking up from his current position. She blushed and turned her head. He reached for her and cupped her face. "You are stunning. How did I get so lucky,"

"If you keep saying those things, I may just admit that I'm in love with you," Hermione said lightly with a smile. Draco's eyes widened as he heard the words leave his girlfriend's mouth. His face broke into a huge smile and he leaned down and kissed her. 

He hovered his lips by her ear and whispered "I can't wait to make you mine, you little minx" Hermione shuddered and closed her eyes. Draco pulled her into his arms as they laid there, under the covers, talking about anything and everything.

Hermione eventually got up, saying she had to go take a shower. After her shower, she walked back into the guest room to see Draco sitting up in the bed reading a book. She smiled as she went and laid next to him, placing her head on his chest as he read aloud to her.

The pair fell asleep like this. Hermione's parents came back home and placed their things in the living room. Mrs. Granger walked up the stairs and stood in the guest bedroom's doorway, looking at the two teenagers sleeping in each other's arms. Mr. Granger stood behind his wife, looking into the room.

"They're so in love dear. I'm so glad she's found someone who loves her like she deserves," Mrs. Granger whispered, holding her husband's hand. He smiled lightly and looked the pair one more time. 

"He does seem like a rather respectful and well-raised boy. I hope he doesn't hurt our princess."

"He won't."

"How do you know?"

"He reminds me a bit of you. And I knew from day one that you were the one," she said smiling as she closed the door to the bedroom.

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