Chapter 35

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The day of the ball had arrived. The trio had met twice in the days leading up to the ball deciding all the major parts. Hermione suggested a memory ball, where everyone could submit their favorite memories from their time at Hogwarts. There would be testaments to those memories in the decorations and the food would be a classic sorting night dinner spread. It was nostalgic and it just made sense.

Hermione decided that she would wear an updated version of her Yule ball dress. She pulled it out of her closet and spent the day changing it. After she was happy with her progress she stepped into the dress and walked out of her closet. "Love, can you zip me up?" she called, putting her ring on. Draco stepped into the room and placed his hands on her hips, kissing her neck.

"Beautiful," he said, as he zipped up the dress. Hermione rolled her eyes and spun in his arms, facing him.

"You look handsome," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "But you're missing a tie."

"I wanted to match it to your dress but you didn't tell me what color it would be."

"Well, I was hoping you would like this color," she said, pointing to her olive dress. Draco grinned.

"As much as I love green, you would look good in any color," he said, picking up the tie she placed on the table. "We should be heading out soon, you don't want to be late to an event that's honoring you."

"It's honoring you too. You helped in the war, you did so much."

Draco smiled, kissing her cheek softly. "Shall we?" He asked, holding out his arm. Hermione nodded, holding it as he apparated to the outskirts of the grounds. "Insane how they expect us to trek from here."

"Draco they have the carriages." She said, pulling him to the thestrals. "You can see them too right?"

"Ever since the end of sixth year. They're beautiful," he said, petting the creature softly. Hermione smiled softly, holding Draco's hand as she climbed into the carriage. Soon enough they arrived at the entrance, looking up to see Hogwarts in all of its glory. Draco stepped off the carriage first, picking Hermione up and placing her gently next to him. "I love you, my sweet princess. Are you sure about this?" He asked as they walked into the school.

Hermione took a deep breath and smiled. "With you, I'm ready for anything." Draco smiled and kissed her forehead softly before entering through the door, Hermione attached to his hand. She smiled as they walked in, looking up at the bewitched ceiling. She heard the gasps but did he best to ignore them. Draco smiled softly as he watched Hermione hug her friends.

Harry eventually walked over to Draco and threw his arm around his shoulder. "I still can't believe she picked you in the end Malfoy."

"Potter, it wasn't that hard of a choice. I mean you've seen me right?" Draco joked.

"Well, look at who showed up. Our second favorite slytherin," Ron said with a grin. Draco groaned.

"Second favorite?" He asked, arms crossed.

"It's obvious that I'm the favorite," Blaise said, punching Draco lightly. Draco rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. These idiots would be the death of him, he was certain.

"Alright, alright, is it pick on Draco day?" Hermione said as she elbowed Harry and took his place next to Draco. "Leave my fiancée alone or I'll turn your hair purple."

Ron and Blaise laughed while Harry reached for his hair carefully. "Boys will be boys, Mione." Ginny said as she ruffled Harry's hair gently. "And you'd look dashing with purple hair."

"Mhm sure, when pigs fly," Draco retorted.

"Draco Malfoy using muggle slang? Never thought I'd see the day."

The group turned and gawked at the sight before them. Pansy Parkinson was hanging off the arm of Cormac McLaggen, sneering at the couple. Hermione rolled her eyes and brought her arms to her chest, crossing them in anger.

"Parkinson. Didn't think you were invited," Draco said with a scowl as he possessively wrapped his arm around Hermione's waist. Harry and Ron exchanged worried looks as Ginny stood behind the couple twirling her wand in her hand, looking amused.

"It's actually McLaggen now. Cormac's family helped clear my name, giving me the same invitation rights as you have, Malfoy."

"Oh you two got married. Makes sense. Well, if you don't mind leaving us alone, that would be lovely," Hermione said with a smirk. Draco laughed as he held her in his arms.

"You don't tell me what to do mud-" Pansy started, getting in Hermione's face. Harry and Ron stepped in front of her, with Ginny pointing a wand at Parkinson's face.

"Watch your mouth pug-face. Do NOT make me hex you," Ginny began.

"Finish that sentence and we'll fine you for half of your Gringotts vault." Harry finished, anger emitting from his face.

Cormac turned white as a sheet and Pansy turned bright red, almost as red as Ron's hair. Cormac quickly pulled her away, leaving the Great Hall in a hurry. Draco held Hermione in his arms, cradling her face. "You okay my love?"

"It's just a name Draco. Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself. I'm not scared of that name. The war is over and blood prejudice is a thing of the past."

"There's that Gryffindor courage that I love." Draco said gently, pulling her onto the dance floor. "May I have this dance?" he asked softly. Hermione grinned, moving closer to him.

"Always. Just promise me you'll love me no matter what," she said, looking up at him.

Draco smiled, kissing her gently. "I promise to love you forever."

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