Chapter 7

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Draco woke up with a smile as he saw a paper boat sitting on his bedside table. He opened it quietly, trying not to make any noise that would wake up his dorm mates.

My dashing prince,

Your eyes make my heart flutter when you look at me. I hope we can see each other soon. I have missed you.

-your "beautiful" princess

His smile grew bigger as he read the parchment.

"Oi Malfoy, what's got you smiling like that?" Blaise asked, looking at him with an arched eyebrow.

Draco brought his hands above his head but couldn't wipe the smile off of his face. "Oh it's nothing Blaise. Just a letter from mother."

"Oh I'm sure," Blaise said, picking up the parchment. Draco reached for it but Blaise was quicker. "My dashing prince, heart flutter, I have missed you. Wow Draco what girl have you got wrapped around your finger."

"Oh she's no one. She goes to Beauxbatons." Draco said, getting out of bed, still smiling lightly thinking about her and their last time together.

"Of course you landed a girl from there. By the looks of it, you really like her."

"That I do Blaise. But you will not tell anyone I just said that," Draco said with a smirk as he walked into the bathroom to shower.

Blaise shook his head. There was no way Draco was telling the truth. He was far too infatuated with her to only see her on the monthly excursions to Hogsmeade. He grabbed a piece of parchment and copied the writing style he saw.

My beautiful princess,

Your letter made me smile bigger than I thought I could. Can I see you tonight? Astronomy Tower at 10? I miss you so much my love.

-your dashing prince

Blaise laughed as he folded the paper into a crane and gave it to the bird perched on the windowsill, instructing it to go back to the person who originally sent the message. He would find out who this mysterious girl was.

After a day full of classes, it was finally dinner time. Blaise and Draco chatted as they ate. Draco's eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table and met Hermione's. His lips twitched slightly and the pair thought no one was watching but Blaise had his eyes fixated on Draco Malfoy.

"So she does go to this school. You lied to me earlier," Blaise said quietly.

"No she doesn't Blaise. Are you insane? Why would I lie?" Draco asked, looking away from the brown eyes he was lost in just a moment before.

"I don't know Draco. But what I do know is she's in Gryffindor."

"Hmmm I wouldn't dare date a rival."

"Sure you wouldn't. Maybe a ravenclaw then. You've always like smart girls." Blaise said as he saw the last rounds of mail was coming. A small piece of parchment dropped into Draco's lap, in the shape of a butterfly.

My dashing prince,

How about a picnic for tonight. We can watch the stars from the tower and spend time together. See you at 10.

-your "beautiful" princess

Draco coughed to cover his smile and quickly put the parchment away. He looked up and nodded to Hermione as he stood up to head back to his dormitory. He spent a few hours doing homework until 9:45. Then he went to the kitchen and grabbed some fruit and some small deserts before making his way up to the tower.

He walked up the steps to see some blankets and pillows strewn across the overlook as well as a small fireplace. Hermione spun around at the sound of his steps, placing her book down and smiling. He put down the picnic basket and hugged her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh how I have missed you," Hermione said with a small smile as Draco bent down to kiss her. Draco lightly pushed her up against the castle wall as her hands tangled in his hair and his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Hermione Granger, of all people? That's surprising, even for you Draco," Blaise said as he leaned against the entrance to the tower at the top of the stairs. The couple pulled apart, but only slightly. Draco had his arms instinctively wrapped around Hermione as he turned to glare at his best friend.

"Blaise how on earth did you figure this out?" He asked, absolutely lost.

"Well, I read you letter from this morning. And then I sent her," he said pointing to Hermione, "a letter basically telling her to meet you here and then voila," he said pointing at the two. Hermione had her face buried in Draco's chest, facing away from the other slytherin.

"Remarkable Blaise. If that's all you can go." Draco said, unamused.

Blaise turned to leave as a voice called out. "You're not going to tell anyone right?" He turned to see Hermione looking at him while her hand was intertwined with Draco's.

"Draco's my best friend and he's clearly in love with you. I would never want to purposely hurt him or anyone he cares for. So no, I won't be telling anyone. But, if you ever need help with anything, I'm here." He said and walked down the staircase. Hermione smiled and looked at Draco.

"In love?" She asked quietly.

"Hey! I did not say those words," he said as Hermione's smile faded and she turned her face away from him. "But, that doesn't mean it's not how I feel. You make me so happy."

Hermione giggled and leaned up to kiss him. He smiled and pulled away, looking at the girl who had him, truly, wrapped around her finger. "Well Mr. Malfoy I suppose I also feel strongly about you. Not to mention you're not that bad of a kisser," she said as she pulled him to the seating arrangement she had made on the floor.

The pair sat looking out at the stars, with their bodies close and their hearts even closer. This was really what forever felt like.

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