Chapter 32

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Draco and Hermione hadn't told anyone about their relationship or their pending nuptials. The only people who knew were the Weasley's, Blaise, Harry, Luna, and the rest of the DA. But they wouldn't tell anyone. They owed Hermione that much.

And Hermione wanted to tell everyone. But she didn't want to face the backlash. Not yet anyway. She knew pure-bloods would be very upset with the situation, as expected. Even though the Dark Lord was defeated, blood prejudice was hard to squash overnight.

Hermione stood in the doorway, watching her fiancé. He sat up in bed and pouted. "I can't believe you're moving out. We were supposed to be looking for a place to move in together. And now you're getting your own place."

"It's only temporary. Just until we tell everyone. People are getting suspicious that I keep muttering Malfoy Manor when I enter a floo."

"It feels like we're going backwards Mi. I don't want to lose you baby."

"Lose me?" She asked softly, sitting on the bed. "You couldn't if you tried. I'm not actually living there Draco, it's just for appearances."

"But the thought that you'll have a bed somewhere else haunts me. What if we get into a fight and you decide to leave?"

"Are you planning on starting a fight with me?"

"No. That's not the point and you know it."

"Well what do you want me to do? We can't just tell everyone now can we?"

"Why not? I don't care Hermione. Everyone important in my life knows. My father accepts us for Merlin's sake. What more do you want?"

"It's too soon. The war just ended five months ago. The world has just settled."

"It's fine. I get it. You're ashamed to be connected to me."

"No I am not. I just want a little more time. Please?"

"As if I could say no."

"Listen Draco I'm going to be late for work. I'll see you later. Here. At our current home." She said each part clearly and kissed him softly. "I love you stupid."

Draco sighed and laid back down, placing his hands over his face. They were going in circles. He replayed the image of her before she left, looking at him sadly.

Hermione entered the ministry with a glum face. He hadn't said he loved her. Had her fear for what people thought ruined the best thing in her life? She sat in her office trying not to cry while doing paperwork. Draco went into work late today so she had to reroute all of the documents to his assistant, Josie, a pretty muggle with blonde hair and blue eyes.

By the end of the day Hermione had come to conclusion she would go home and tell Draco everything. And he would understand, because he was her Draco. He was the most caring man she had ever met and she loved him with her entire heart.

Hermione flooed to her apartment first, before flooing to the manor. All of this was done to avoid being caught. Soon, hopefully, it wouldn't be necessary. When she arrived at the manor, Draco wasn't there. She assumed he was still at work and decided to surprise him. A majority of his staff was muggles and it was late so not a lot of people would be there.

As Hermione turned onto his floor, she heard laughing from the office. She peered through the door to see Draco smiling as he signed papers. Josie was perched on the desk next to him, laughing. Hermione grimaced as she knocked on the door, tying her trench coat. Draco looked up and his smile fell. "Miss Granger? Is there something you need?" He asked.

"Oh I'm sorry to bother you so late Mr. Malfoy. I'm here to discuss phase 3." She said, pursing her lips as she stood there with her hands crossed.

Draco gulped cautiously and looked at Josie. "I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for helping me with the paperwork."

"Of course Mr. Malfoy! Anything for you," Josie chirped before leaving the two alone. Hermione waited until she heard the elevator ding before she slammed the door shut.

"One little argument and suddenly you forget that I exist?"

"Mi it's not like that. Josie just came in to get the papers you sent her signed. She's just doing her job."

"Her job? Is it also her job to basically be on your lap?" Hermione asked angrily.

"No, actually she was just standing there showing me where to sign. One of the documents had odd rules. But do you want to know something?"

"What could it be Malfoy?" Hermione asked, still angry.

"You, Hermione Granger, should be on my lap right now. You should be in my arms, letting me rip that trench coat off of you. But instead you're standing here yelling at me for absolutely nothing. I am in love with you stupid. And yet you still think I would ever look at another woman, when I have a beauty like you to call mine?"

Hermione softened, looking at Draco who was running his hand through his hair. She stepped closer to him and looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just been a bad day. I'm sorry I took my frustration out on you."

Draco looked down at her and wrapped his arms around her. "What happened? Is everything ok?"

"Our fight this morning just unsettled me and then you didn't say you loved me before I left and I was just overthinking all day. I'm so sorry my love."

"I love you so much Mi that it hurts me to see you upset. But you have to understand, I hate keeping you a secret. If I had it my way, I'd tell everyone. Hell, I'd take you right here on this desk," he said grinning. Hermione rolled her eyes and stood up, walking to the door. She turned around and smirked, locking it. Draco's mouth opened lightly, looking at her in shock. "You're not serious?"

"Today's been a rough day for the both of us. How about some stress relief?" She said with a smirk as she sat on the desk in front of him. Draco's eyes widened, looking at her sitting on his desk.

"Hermione I don't have any protection with me."

Hermione looked at him before kissing him softly. "We'll manage. Now put your money where your mouth is."

Draco shook his head, smiling as he stepped between her legs. "You are mental," he said quietly as he reached to remove her coat. As he moved it down her arms he looked at what she was wearing. "You left the house like this?" he asked, running his hands over the blue lingerie.

"I was going to surprise you. But then the whole debacle happened."

"Consider me amazed," he replied before kissing her passionately for the next several minutes. "You're an incredible woman."

"And I'm yours. Now let's go home." She said standing up. Draco frowned. "What is it?"

"You want to go out in public like this?" Draco said, gesturing to the state they were in.

"Who's even still here? It would just be the fireplace in the meeting room to our office."

"At least put the coat on," he said, standing up and fixing his pants. Hermione huffed and tied her coat, fixing the edges. She reached for his hand and held it as they walked into the fireplace and made their way home. After a shower and some dinner, the couple were cuddled up in bed.

"Draco, I have to tell you something. Please don't be mad," Hermione said.

"You can tell me anything."

"It's the reason why I don't want people to know about us."

"And that reason is?" Draco asked, sitting up.

"Well..." Hermione began before she heard a noise.

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