Chapter 26

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The night had finally arrived. The night that Draco would do something unforgivable. An hour before it would go down, he was pacing in the room of requirement. Hermione walked inside and pulled him into her arms. "I have full faith you will do what is right," she said, pressing herself against him.

Draco softened, letting her Hermione melt into his arms. He held her head softly. "You make me a better person."

Hermione looked up at him and smiled. "Professor Snape made a vow with your mom right? Well if you don't go through with it, he will. And he's a part of the order. So I think it will all be ok,"

"Hermione you're a genius," he said kissing her lightly. She smiled and pulled away.

"I love you. Now be careful." He reluctantly released her and watched her leave.

In an hour, Draco stood at the top of the Astronomy Tower pointing his wand at Dumbledore.

"Expelliarmus," he said quickly.

"Now now Draco, my boy, think this through. You're not a killer,"

"You don't know who I am," he replied, trying to waste time until Snape arrived.

"I may not Mr. Malfoy. But Miss Granger sure does."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, fuming

"She sees the good in you, the light." Draco's face lit up, even though he tried to keep his face straight. Dumbledore smiled lightly.

"You think I want to do this?" Draco asked, angrily.

"No and that's why I think you won't," Dumbledore said.

"Exactly. Now move aside Draco," Snape said as he stepped out onto the tower. "But I never said I wouldn't."

"Severus," Dumbledore began before being hit by a green light. Draco shut his eyes, a tear leaking out. He was ushered down the stairs and into the Room of Requirement quickly.

Snape looked at him and nodded, signaling for him to stay back for a moment. He did as he was told, putting everyone through the cabinet first. He closed the door, and slid down to the floor, sobbing. Hermione, who had been hiding behind a bunch of junk, rushed out to him. "No, don't come near me. I'm a monster,"

"Draco you are not. You did not do any harm."

"But he's dead Hermione. And it's my fault. I fixed up this stupid thing." He said punching the cabinet.

She held him close as he sobbed. "It was either you did it or you and your family died. You are not at fault." They were quiet for a while.

"Hermione, I've got to go. I don't know when I'll see you next." He said finally speaking up. She nodded, kissing him deeply, before opening the door for him. "I love you,"

"Forever." She replied.

"I'm marrying you when this is all over I swear." He said before closing the door. Hermione laughed, even though this was not the time. She left the room of requirement and met up with Harry and Ron.

"Where have you been?" Ron asked, pulling her into a hug. She shook her head and started to cry. She was trying to be strong for Draco. But now she would be weak.

"I hid in a classroom when the death eaters passed me. I can't believe Snape would do that," she said hugging him back.

"Hermione I have a question," Harry said slowly. Hermione saw him and winced. He knew. She knew he knew. She nodded, not ready for what was going to come. "I overheard the attack on Dumbledore. Your name came up."

"My name? Why?" She asked, knowing the answers already.

"I don't know. Something about you seeing the good in him."

"I've always said he isn't a bad guy. That's not a shock."

"Ok but why did it sound like you were the reason for him not to kill?" Harry retorted, crossing his arms. Hermione looked over to Ginny, who looked at her sadly.

"Because I am the reason Harry. Draco and I, we've been friends since fourth year,"

"Friends?!" Ron and Harry exclaimed. Ginny held Hermione's hand lightly.

"Well, not just friends," Ginny said, startling the pair.

"Ginny what do you mean?"

Hermione grimaced and put her head in her hands. This was the end. "They've been amicable. I feel like friends is too lenient. Malfoy apologized to Hermione about calling her the foul nickname. And Hermione forgave him."

Hermione looked up at her with a shocked face. Ginny smiled at her.

"I didn't think it would do any harm. Draco's not a bad person." Hermione said, reaching for Harry's hand.

"Leave it to you to see the good in everyone Hermione. Although I'll agree he isn't the worst person, considering he couldn't kill Dumbledore. Anyway, I'm going to go find the remaining Horcruxes and destroy them. It's the only way to kill Voldemort."

"And you think you're going alone?" Hermione asked, standing up. "We're coming with you," she continued, pointing to Ron.

"Yeah we're coming Harry. We're a team," he said, holding Hermione's hand.

After the funeral, everyone returned to the Burrow to spend their last summer in peace. Hermione tried to find time to see Draco but it was near impossible. The only time she saw him was when she went home. He came to visit and spent the night with her, before leaving the next morning.

After he had left, Hermione had done something she never thought she would do. And as she walked out of her home, where she had spent her entire childhood, had realized she was a witch, and became next-to engaged, she began to cry. She sat on her steps and sobbed before apparating to the Burrow.

It was the morning of the wedding and Hermione was getting ready. She was in the process of doing her hair when Draco appeared behind her. She spun around smiling. He held her close in his arms, breathing in her smell.

"I thought I wasn't going to be able to see you before we returned to school," Draco said

"About that," Hermione said pulling away and sitting on Ginny's bed. "I'm not coming back."

"You can't be serious, you're Hermione Granger."

"Come here," she said, patting the spot next to her. "I have to do something with Harry and Ron. I'm sorry my love."

"I'll come and visit" he said as he held her hand in his.

"I'm holding you to it," she said grinning. He put his forehead against hers and looked into her eyes.

"You look beautiful."

"My hair's not even done Draco." She said standing up and moving toward the mirror. He stood behind her and watched her with a smile.

"It looks perfect to me."

Hermione blushed as she turned in the chair. "You and your complements."

"One final dance?" He said holding his hand out for her. She nodded and put her hand in his. They swayed around the room until Ginny burst in.

"Hermione we have to finish decorating the cake," she began before looking up. "Oh you two are the cutest!" She shrieked. Draco laughed, holding Hermione close.

"Thanks Ginny," Hermione said, grinning. "I'll be down in a minute,"

Ginny nodded and left, closing the door behind her. Hermione turned back to Draco, kissing him softly. "I love you."

"Forever," he said back. She looked at him lovingly before closing the door as she left. She would miss him immensely. And she would not be able to handle not seeing him until this was over. He was her everything.

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