Chapter 8

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The last day of the school year was finally here. The Triwizard tournament was over, and thank god for that. Harry was sure Voldemort was back and Hermione believed him. She didn't have a reason not to.

On the train ride home, Hermione was quiet. Between Harry's constant freaking out and Ron's stressed self consuming food every 7 seconds, she couldn't deal with them any more. She looked out the compartment window to see blonde hair passing by. Why would Draco be in the Gryffindor area?

"I'm going to go take a walk. I'll be back soon," she said as she stepped out of the compartment. She slid the door closed and had only taken a few steps away from the door before she was being engulfed in a pair of arms.

"I hate that I can't be with you in times like this. I want to be better for you. I can't imagine not having you." Draco said looking at his girlfriend.

"It's ok. I know you're always there when I need you. And nothing will change that." She said looking up at him. He smiled and pulled her into the empty compartment, while lowering the blinds. He pulled her down onto the seat with her landing in his lap. "Draco, people might see," she said with a frown.

"Let them. If I had it my way, everyone would know." he said with a grin as he kissed his girlfriend. She moved closer to him and somehow they ended up sprawled across the bench, with Hermione's hands in his hair and his arms wrapped around her waist.

Hermione pulled away slightly and giggled. "Draco, it's been 30 minutes since we've been in here. If we don't stop now, Harry and Ron might start a witch-hunt."

"Tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum. Always what I want to hear when my girlfriend is on top of me." He said with a sigh, as he leaned back on his elbows.

"Sorry to ruin the mood Draco."

"Hmmm I might forgive you. Maybe if I was given some sort of reward," he said looking at her. Hermione laughed and leaned down to kiss him again. He pulled her closer and moved his lips to her neck. Hermione moaned and Draco pulled away smiling. "My work here is done,"

"Draco bloody Malfoy how am I supposed to cover this," Hermione screamed pointing at her neck.

"You're not supposed to, that's the point" he said as he pulled her into his arms. "I love you. Promise me you'll be careful and you'll owl me during the summer. I don't think I can go without seeing you for 3 months."

Hermione nodded and hugged him tight. "I promise. You can come visit me, because my parents don't know anything about why we can't be together."

"You want me to meet your parents?" Draco asked with a surprised look.

"Of course I do. I love you and I want them to love you too."

"Oh Hermione, you really couldn't be more perfect if you tried." he said as she pulled away and went for the door. She turned around and smiled before fixing her hair and walking into her compartment.

"Hey Hermione where have you been?" Asked Ron, looking up from the wizard's chess game he and a Harry has started.

"Just walking to clear my head." She said as she sat down and reached for a piece of parchment, smiling. He loved her.

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