Chapter 31

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It had been 3 months since the war had ended. The wizarding world was finally beginning to regain structure and Hogwarts was almost done being rebuilt.

Harry and Ron had immediately become Aurors, their time as war heroes being reason enough. And thank Merlin for that because Ron's potions score was not helping him one bit. Hermione was asked to be the minister of magic but turned it down, saying someone more educated and with more expertise have the position. She immediately nominated a Kingsley, who she said was the best option.

As for the Malfoy's, Hermione had managed to get Draco and Narcissa off with no punishments, using her personal memories to prove they were good people. She also managed to get Harry to come to their hearings and witness the fact that Narcissa kept him alive and Draco threw him the wand.

Draco had opened a technology company, which integrated itself into the magical world. He claimed that in the coming times, magic and technology would work hand in hand and without advancements, the wizarding world would be left behind as the rest of the world moved forward. Hermione loved that he was combining the muggle with the magical. She worked with him, making sure the muggle aspect made sense, even allowing for integration of technology within the ministry, in the new division she was the head of.

Lucius, however, was imprisoned for his acts. He was not given the dementor's kiss but was sentenced to 24 years in a Azkaban due to his involvement. He would have been given more had it not been for Hermione who argued his case for the entirety of Wizengamot.

Lucius Malfoy was surprised to see her there and even more surprised so see her speaking in his favor. He watched as she spoke about pressure and retribution and forgiveness. And then he watched her step back to where his family was sitting, slowly reaching for his son's hand. Draco looked at her with love blazoned in his eyes, kissing her hand softly. Lucius sat back in his seat and shook his head. His son had fallen in love with a muggleborn. And, surprisingly, he was not upset.

As Lucius was being taken away, he asked for a moment to speak with his family. Kingsley looked at Hermione, who gave him a pleading look. Kingsley sighed and allowed it, given Hermione did not ask for much from him.

Draco and Narcissa walked to Lucius. He hugged Narcissa lightly, kissing her cheek. "I did not love you like I should have. I'm sorry." Narcissa nodded and stepped away, a small smile on her lips that not many could see. Draco looked at his father with his steel gray eyes. "And you, Draco. You have always been the best part of me. I see you've finally found a girl who will put up with you," he said gesturing toward Hermione who watched the family speaking. Draco's eyes fluttered open in shock.

"Yes father, I am in love with a muggleborn. Sorry for tarnishing the family blood or whatever." He spoke, his voice becoming hoarse.

"Out of everyone, you managed to get the girl behind it all. I'm not upset Draco. She seems like good company."

Draco's mouth was open as he looked at the man in the place of his father. "Would you like to, to meet her," he asked carefully.

"Indeed," Lucius said. Draco turned around and beckoned Hermione to come over. She looked at him carefully before finding her place at his side.

"Well father, this is my fiancé Hermione Granger." Draco spoke proudly as he looked at her. Hermione smiled as she heard him say the words.

"Ah Ms. Granger nice to meet you, again. I wish it was under better circumstances," he said gesturing to his state. Hermione laughed lightly.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Malfoy."

"Call me Lucius. Now Draco would not be happy if I told you this but he's had a small crush on you since first year. I never thought it would pan out, you know my thoughts on blood purity and my allegiances with the wrong people. But, I'm happy it did."

Hermione looked at Lucius Malfoy with a grin before she engulfed him in a hug. "Thank you. I knew the man who raised Draco couldn't be pure evil. I knew you had some good in you," she said pulling away. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you a shorter sentence. It's clear you have changed your thought process."

"Well when the man you followed blindly ends up being half the man you thought he was and also is defeated by a 17 year old boy, it makes you think about the person you've become."

Draco looked at his father as if he had lost his mind. Narcissa smirked, remembering when Lucius was like this all the time. And Hermione grinned, seeing the light side of the man she once thought had no heart. Kingsley came over and put his hand in Hermione's shoulder. "The time has come. Lucius, we will be leaving now," he said as the cuffs around Lucius tightened and he was taken away.

As they exited the court room, Hermione turned to Draco and grinned. "See. That wasn't too bad."

"Are you bloody kidding. That was the most out of body experience I have ever had." Draco said laughing.

"I told you there's good in everyone."

"Yeah well you saw it in me. And I'm forever grateful for that." Hermione smiled and kissed Draco sweetly. He pulled away and looked at her with a smirk. She shook her head, this would not end well. "Mother, we're going back to the manor now." He said, turning to face her.

"I have a few errands to run. I should be home in a few hours," she said before apparating away. Draco grabbed Hermione and they apparated to the new Malfoy Manor, which Narcissa had built over the summer due to the old one being in ruins and also having many bad memories.

Hermione liked the new one more anyway. It was gorgeous and modern but still had touches of elegance. As soon as their feet landed on the ground of the manor's foyer, Draco sweeped Hermione off her feet and went to their room.

They had moved in together, planning to get their own apartment soon. In the meanwhile, Narcissa had insisted they live with her. They had their own wing of the manor so they couldn't complain.

Draco placed his fiancé on the bed and kissed her softly. "You are incredible," he said, pulling away lightly. "I'm in love with you, you brilliant witch."

Hermione smiled and leaned up to kiss him. The light kiss she started turned into a heavy kiss. In mere moments, clothes were being ripped off and Hermione was dragging her nails down Draco's back as she screamed his name. Draco groaned and collapsed on Hermione's chest, smiling from ear to ear. Hermione played with his hair as she kissed his forehead.

"I love you," she muttered, thinking about how far they had come. Draco began to draw little shapes on her stomach, eliciting a laugh from her.

"Deep in thought?" he asked, looking at her quizzically.

"Just thinking about the past 4 years. I couldn't imagine it without you," she said softly. Draco smiled and pulled her closer. "How did I get so lucky?"

"I'm the lucky one." He said sweetly before moving his hand downwards, rubbing softly. Hermione tilted her head back and moaned. She blushed slightly, still not being used to the things he would do to her.

"How come you still blush around me? You're not embarrassed are you?" he asked. 

"Never embarrassed. You just make me feel so vulnerable. In a good way," she responded, looking up at him. He smiled and pulled her into him, holding her small body in his hands.

Hermione eventually pulled away. "Your mother will be home soon and even though we have our own wing, we should not be found in this state so early in the day."

Draco pouted, not wanting to release her.

"Come on, let's at least take a shower to get cleaned up." Draco sighed and stood up, walking into the bathroom. Hermione wolf-whistled as he walked by. He turned around and glared. "What? I never said you didn't have a nice arse," she responded giggling.

"Now who's making me feel vulnerable?" Draco asked, closing the door. Hermione shook her head as she put on her robe.

"What an idiot," she said smiling.

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