His Library

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   Sitting at the dining hall table the following morning, I ate breakfast alone as I watched the falling rain patter against the four grand windows that lined one end of the hall. I hated to admit it, but the Dark Lord's absence was disappointing. I was eager to know whether the tea had worked, or if he'd drank it at all. I couldn't quite understand the reason behind my sudden need to impress the Dark Lord, but I guessed it had something to do with the desire to prove myself to him, to show him I wasn't as small as he thought I was. Although a cup of tea might not have been enough to fully prove myself to him, it was still something. 

   "Should someone check up on him?" A maid whispered from behind me, somewhere near the kitchen entrance. "He never sleeps in this late. Do you think he's alright?"

   "Have you lost your marbles? You're beginning to sound like a Hufflepuff," Another maid replied in a hushed tone. "Merlin knows what he would do to someone who disrupts his sleep when he gets so little."

   I smiled down at my food, having had my answer. 

   Suddenly, the dining hall doors were opened and I was surprised to see Grandfather walk in with a large smile on his face, "There she is, my lovely Karina."

   "Grandfather!" I smiled, running towards him and embracing him in a hug. "What are you doing here?" 

   "Business with the Dark Lord. I'm afraid we haven't been able to track down those who wished to harm you yet."

   I pulled out of the embrace to find that all the maids had scurried off. Perhaps they were instructed not to stick around during conversations, or perhaps they just feared Grandfather. However, I had a feeling they were listening closely behind the kitchen door. Maid's had a way of knowing everything that occurred inside a household, so I doubted they'd miss the opportunity of listening in on our conversation.

   "Do you know how much longer it might take to find them?" I questioned.

   Grandfather smiled knowingly, "Homesick already?"


   "Well, it's no wonder. You're eating all alone. Where is the Dark Lord?"

   "Sleeping," I forced back a smile. That tea must have knocked him out like a pile of bricks. 

   "Sleeping? " Grandfather questioned, checking his pocket watch and shaking his head at the time. His eyes scanned the room and when he found no one of service, he sighed. "Hello?! Staff!" 

   There was shuffling and rummaging behind the kitchen door before a young man was forced out into the dining hall by the arms of some maids. The door shut behind him before he could run back inside and he stared at us with a frightened expression. I couldn't help but smile. 

   "Honestly..." Grandfather sighed. "Boy, go wake up your master. Tell him who's here and that there's urgent business to discuss."

   "M-me? W-wake up the D-Dark Lord?" The boy stammered, trying his best to keep himself composed, but his fear was practically emanating through the room. Merlin, Grandfather wasn't that scary, was he?

   Grandfather looked at me, "Was I not clear?"

   "Oh, stop teasing him," I laughed. "Yes, that's right," I told the young man who quickly nodded and hurried out of the hall. 

   "The new ones are always entertaining," Grandfather said. "Now, dear Karina, I'm afraid I must leave you to discuss business."

   "Wait, there's something I've been wanting to ask you, Grandfather."

Marked • Tom RiddleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora