His Downfall

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   I blinked through the grogginess until my eyes put the heavily falling snow on the other side of the grand panes of the glass window into focus. Tom, who lay next to me, was in the process of escaping the clutches of sleep as well. Waking up next to him these past couple of weeks had felt incredible. There was no better feeling in the world than being held flush against him, his arm firmly around me under the plush black satin sheets, keeping me protected and warm against the cold winter air that enveloped his bedroom. Yes, his bedroom. On our wedding night during the consummation of our marriage, he had told me I was the only woman he had ever brought into this room, a special right reserved only for his wife. Only I was allowed here in his bed, with him. Although judging by the size of the space it was much larger than any ordinary bedroom, even by my standards. For instance, the area where his bed sat was well separated from the other stations in the room, like the personal library up the flight of spiral stairs, in the lofted section where he kept all his favorite books; or the seating area in front of a large, stone fireplace that had a bar cart handy for all his whiskey needs; or even the washroom which contained an onyx bathtub so large it resembled a swimming pool. The walls were shades of black stone, softened by forest green and emerald tapestries that hung from the high ceilings near the many chandeliers. 

   Tom spurred and tightened his hold on me before letting go all at once and turning onto his back. Frowning at the lost warmth, I turned towards him and put my arms around his neck, softly placing a kiss on his chest before resting my head upon it. "Morning," he said, his eyes still closed. 

   "Good morning," I smiled. It was these short moments in which we shared undisturbed privacy that I treasured above all. While the world was still quiet and he was free from his daily stresses; still all mine in our little utopia. His hand came up my back and into my hair, while the other slithered down my slip and over my bum. I rolled my eyes. "I was thinking about taking Blue out for a walk in the gardens today. Do you think you could join us?"

   "I've too much work to get done, Karina. You know this," he groveled out of his throat in his morning voice. I did know this, but it did not prevent me from asking. He had become increasingly busy the last couple of days and I missed him deeply. I had thought marriage would have allowed us more time together, but it seemed as though he had decided he could resume his regular schedule of work now that the wedding was over. In honesty, this upset me. I wanted more from this man who was being stretched thin by others. I knew it was selfish, but I did not care. "Take Dellara with you instead."

   "You always insist I take Dellara everywhere I go." He had been forcing that maid upon me for days now. Whatever friendship he hoped to form between us was not going to happen, especially not after my poor history with housemaids. Despite his hopes, Dellara's presence was not going to compensate for his absence. Annoyed, I released my hold on him and turned back around to face the window, noticing that the snowfall has increased significantly. I was ready to leave this bed, but as I stepped out of the warm covers, Tom snatched my arm and pulled me back onto the bed. "Tom," I let out a gasp as my back hit the black satin, where his strong arms pulled me beneath him. His green eyes pierced my own as he looked down at me, a small smirk gracing his features, knowing he was now in control. 

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