His Protection

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   I sat with my arms crossed while sulking as I stared out the rainy window of the moving car. Hogsmede was nearing, but the joy I had once felt for the town had disintegrated into nothingness because today was not like any other day of shopping. No, today we were to shop for items for my wedding to the Dark Lord.

   "Where in Merlin's name is your engagement ring, Karina?" the iciness in Mother's voice cut through the sound of the heavily pattering rain as her eyes burned into my ring finger with so much force I almost felt pain.

   I glanced down at my empty finger before meeting her cold eyes, "I do not wish to wear my handcuff until after the wedding when it is required of me."

   "Please, darling, you're so dramatic," Mother scoffed as she reached into her bag to pull out a pair of leather gloves. "Quick, put these on. I will not have that snarky reporter, Skeeter, writing up a scandal so close to the wedding."

   Sighing, I took the gloves from her hands and slipped them on. Mother was right about Skeeter. She, along with many other reporters were waiting for us like hungry dogs looking for their next meal when we arrived at Hogsmede. Their shadowy bodies immediately surrounded the parked car and cast a darkness over the tinted windows. Ever since the news about the Dark Lord's marriage to Grindelwald's granddaughter broke, it had been covered in every major media outlet. The Daily Prophet had even made a special column just for updates on the topic. Newspapers, magazines, reporters were all fighting to get interviews, statements, comments and pictures from the soon to be married couple.

   "Remember darling, not a single word out of you," Mother warned as the driver opened the car door to reveal a sea of flashing bulbs and reporters. They posed a repertoire of questions, each more pressing than the last, and demanded answers as Mother and I were safely escorted into Delfina Crimp's shop.

   "What a bundle of nasty hounds," Delfina exclaimed, tightly clutching her corseted waist with her nimble fingers. If this woman's waist was any smaller the possibility of her having any ribs, much less any organs would be questionable.

   Delfina Crimp was a highly renown seamstress in the Wizarding World. Her gowns and robes were sought after by every witch and wizard capable of affording her work. So, when Mother and Father had approached me with the notion of a wedding gift, I knew instantly what I desired. A gown made by Delfina Crimp herself. I should have been excited. Any witch in my shoes would have been excited. However, Mother had decided the perfect time to wear this gown would be right after the wedding ceremony during the reception. So, the one thing I was happy about, the one thing that made this whole experience of being married off to the Dark Lord bearable was ruined, because the dress was no longer for me. It was for him. To see me in. 

   "This way, child," Delfina Crimp ushered me towards the center of a circle of regal floor-length mirrors with her bony hand placed on the small of my back. Her eyes peered over my shoulder as she inspected my body while charmed tape measured flew back and forth to different areas of my body taking in the information they needed. "So, describe the gown for me, child."

   "Long," I definitely wanted the gown to be floor-length. 

   "Short," Mother intervened. 




   "I don't care as long as it's tight," Mother said and I rolled my eyes. 

   Delfina Crimp forced a laugh, "Ah, yes, well it's clear I have my work cut out for me."

   "This is my wedding present, Mother," I said, glaring at her reflection through the mirror. 

   "And who exactly is paying for it? Oh, that's right," Mother gave a pseudo laugh. "Me."

   "Ladies," Delfina Crimp said, her expression showing her evident uneasiness about the whole situation. "Let me handle all the details and I'll make sure the gown is ready for our bride here before the reception. I'll make sure it will please everyone."

   I smiled thankfully at Delfina through the mirror and she returned the gesture with a small nod. She knew we weren't going to get anywhere with Mother, so this was the alternative. Mother agreed almost immediately. After all, it was hard to question Delfina Crimp's abilities after the reputation she had built for herself. So, after the bill had been paid, Mother and I moved onto the next shop for my something blue. 

   The shop was full of little trinkets and sparkling pieces of jewelry. Mother had decided my something blue would be stitched onto my bouquet, so now it was just the matter of figuring out what it would be. As I walked around the shop, I noticed Mother had become occupied with one of the workers who was showing her their latest jewelry collection. That was when I was suddenly approached by a woman in a chestnut coat. 

   "You must be the lovely bride," the woman said. "Do you see something you like?"

   "Not yet," I said, noticing the uneasiness in her voice. I couldn't tell if it was because I was to be the bride of the Dark Lord or something else, but there was definitely something off about her. 

   "I can see your mother there is quite a handful."

   "Quite," I agreed with a polite smile.

   With the flick of her finger, a tray of tea and biscuits flew over to where we were standing. "Would you like a cup to help ease those nerves?" she asked as the pot poured out its contents into a little teacup. 

   "That would be great," I could already feel a headache beginning to build in my frontal lobe and I needed it gone if I was to continue this day of shopping with Mother. So, I took the cup of tea from the store lady, but it wasn't until I brought the cup up to my lips that I realized something was strange. I glanced at the other workers who were standing around looking for something to do, even looking in our direction a few times but never meeting my eyes. That was when I noticed Mother, who had finished talking to the worker and was searching the store with her eyes for me, but I was only a few feat away from her. She couldn't see me. Why couldn't she see me?

   I looked at the woman in the chestnut coat before me, her eyes glued to mine in nervousness. Carefully, I removed my lips from the teacup. The woman watched me bring the cup down and that was when her face hardened. 

   "You don't work here, do you?" I said, noticing her hand edge towards her coat pocket.

   "I guess you're not as stupid as I thought you were," she sighed. As she reached for her wand, I reached for mine too, but before either of us could attempt to disarm the other, the shadowy fog of a Death Eater apparated into the shop, followed by many others, which was enough to stun the woman before she was struck down where she stood. 

   "Karina!" Mother exclaimed, running towards me in a panic. I looked around me at all the Death Eaters, at Father, at Grandfather. How did they know where to find me? How did they know I was in danger?

   "I knew something like this would happen!" Grandfather said, staring coldly at Father. "Get her to safety. Take her to the Dark Lord's estate. She'll be safe there under his protection."

Marked • Tom RiddleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora