His Breakfast

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   "Blueberry pancakes and lavender tea, Miss," the maid said as she, and her accompanying party set up my breakfast before me on the large dining room table in a swift and orderly fashion. The rather lonely, large dining room table. Looking out at all the empty chairs, I sighed in annoyance. 

   "Is something not to your liking, Miss?" the maid asked, staring worryingly at my breakfast as though she thought that was the reason for my annoyance. No, the breakfast was not the case. The breakfast, in fact, looked absolutely delicious. The purple tea steamed from the dainty china cup, the pancakes filling the room with their heavenly aroma and surrounded by smaller bowls and plates of whipped cream, fruits, custards, and jams. Breakfast was not the issue at all. It was him that was causing me this annoyance. He was to blame. Merlin damn him, I couldn't even enjoy the delicious breakfast in front of me because of him.

   "Will the Dark Lord be joining me for breakfast today?" I said, hopefully. The maids shifted uncomfortably and exchanged looks. I had my answer. 

   "Uhm... no, Miss. The Dark Lord is having breakfast in his study this morning."

   I visibly frowned. The previous night had ended horribly. I could not recall being taken from my own home, I could not remember a single thing up until the moment I awoke already safe inside the Dark Lord's estate. Merlin, everything had been going so perfectly between us, but I had to ruin it by remembering that god-forsaken memory of that dead girl. Who was she anyway? And why had she elicited such a reaction from the Dark Lord? 

   Pushing the chair back, I stood. 

   "Miss?" the maid said. I felt so stupid for ruining our moment last night after he had saved me no less. I wanted to see him, I needed to apologize. More importantly, I wanted answers. 

   "I am going to go see the Dark Lord," I neared the maids. They looked surprised and even worried, but the maids did not interject, instead, they moved aside to allow me to pass. As I left the dining hall, they stayed put whispering amongst themselves as I left the dining hall. They were always whispering. Sometimes I wondered of all the things they knew about the happenings on the estate, of all the secrets. They likely knew it all.

   I descended down the corridor towards the ominous black doors of the Dark Lord's study. With each step, I began growing nervous but pushed it aside. I should not be nervous around him, he was my future husband after all. 

   First, I knocked but received no answer. Then, I made the bold decision to push the door open. The Dark Lord sat behind his grand desk, mountains of papers and books surrounding him as the quill in his hand moved with expert speed. He was evidently busy, and I felt guilty for disturbing him.

   "Karina," he acknowledged, without even lifting his head up from his work, as though he knew I was coming. From an initial glance, he did not seem angry with me like he did last night. Perhaps he had chosen to forget the situation and move on. Perhaps my being here was a mistake. Still, I wanted to know the reason for his anger. 

   "You were not at breakfast," I said.

   "Is that really what you came in here for?" He did not stop working, the quill moving just as quickly.

   "I just," I paused, gathering my thoughts. "I wanted to apologize for last night and... and I wanted to know why that girl had upset you so much."

   The Dark Lord sighed in frustration and finally dropped his quill to rub his temples. I was disturbing him. I felt foolish for that. But I wanted my answer. "Come stand next to me, Karina," he said, looking at me. Once again, he did not seem angry. Just annoyed. So, not wanting to annoy him further, I obeyed and stepped towards him, behind his desk, until I stood next to where he sat. He looked up at me, his eyes tired. 

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