[Epilogue] "Yamaguchi. Will you..."

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It was a day that they all would remember. Even 10 years, 20 years from now, none of them would forget the overflow of excitement and happiness that they felt. Especially the ones who were getting married.

It had finally become legal in the Miyagi prefecture for same-sex marriage, and only in those southern regions were LGBT rights recognized. Still, although it had technically been legalized only a month ago, Kageyama and Hinata had been planning for it since they left high school. Hinata had even saved money for the past five years.

Hinata heard a pounding on the door. "Hinata, hurry up! we're gonna be late! Don't tell me you need help getting dressed!"

"I-I don't! Geez!" Hinata retorted. "I'm just nervous, I mean, wouldn't you be, Yamaguchi?"

Skipping over the question, Yamaguchi opened the door. "Wow, you look great!" Hinata was wearing a fancy white suit that was supposed to be accompanied with a bow tie, but he was still holding it in his hands. "Geez, did you never learn how to put one of these on?"

"N-no, it's just... urgh, can you help me?"

Yamaguchi laughed, complying nonetheless. "Hey, Yamaguchi..."


"What if he... thinks it over again... and realizes that he doesn't want to?"


"I mean, why would he want to spend the rest of his life with me?! A terrible decision, really. And now that I think about it, we haven't even thought this through! Oh, god. What if he regrets it? What if he says no? What if-"

"HINATA." Yamaguchi deadpanned.


"You guys have been together since your freshman year of high school. Even when you went to Brazil, you didn't break up for two years. Even when you had your match against each other, you still love each other off the court. Hell, you've always been talking to me about your wedding plans since college started! There is no way that you're not ready. You've prepared for this since the moment you met." Yamaguchi smiled at him, fixing the bow tie. "This is gonna be the happiest day of your life. I promise."

Hinata blinked a little, then beamed back with the energy of a thousand suns. "Thanks, Yamaguchi!"

"Guys, it's time to go!" Ukai poked his head in, knocking on the doorframe. His eyes widened. "Hinata..."

Hinata blushed and looked down shyly. "How do I look...?"

Ukai smiled at him. "Perfect."


Tsukishima knocked on the door. "Hey, King. Hurry up."

"...Tsukishima..." The faint, deep voice said from the other side of the wall.


"How do you put this on?"

Tsukishima grunted. Unbelievable. He slammed the door open, causing Kageyama to jump. "Don't tell me you seriously don't know how to tie a god fucking tie?!"

"Shut up."

Tsukishima walked across the room and grabbed the tie from Kageyama's hand. "Why did you choose me as your best man anyway?! You literally had nobody else you were close to in your entire life to choose from?"

"...no." He muttered. "Other than Shoyo, you're the one I'm closest to and have known the longest. Even out of my friends in college, you're the one I trust the most."

"... I see."

The two were silent for a while, until Tobio decided to speak again. "W-what if he regrets it?"

Tsukki Doesn't Care [TsukkiYama fanfic | Haikyuu!!]Where stories live. Discover now