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Yachi sighed, looking down with her eyebrows creasing. "It's as I said. Lets break up." She laughed nervously. "A-and, It's not like we were dating anyway. We just started hanging out more and ended up calling it dating at some point. We never even confessed our feelings to one another."

"Huh? But thats..." Yamaguchi couldn't finish. He didn't even know what he was going to say; she was right, after all.

"A-and besides, I don't think you have feelings for me. And I don't have feelings for you, either..."



"Listen, Yamaguchi-kun!" She suddenly raised her voice, startling Yamaguchi.

"A-ah, sorry, I didn't mean to yell; I just need to get this all out." She took a breath. "I really like you. As a friend. I feel like we were on much better terms when we were friends, and even when we did go out on dates and stuff, I didn't even once consider us as more than casual, you know? I'm really sorry about this being so all of a sudden, but if I didn't do this we'd both end up more hurt later."

She took another deep breath after ranting for so long. Yamaguchi just stood there. He had started to tune her out in the middle of it, for he was so confused. Why? he wondered. We were perfectly fine, weren't we?

But sooner than later it him him. I guess I really didn't see her as more than a close friend either, huh?


"Yachi san."

"Yes?!" She stood up straight, alarmed.

"We can still be friends, right? We can still study together and stuff right?"

Her lips curled up into a faint smile, her eyes sparkling subtly. "Of course!"

"On that note," She added. "You're definitely in love with Tsukishima-kun."


How obvious am I?

"The way you looked at him made it so obvious; I mean, you wouldn't look at me, or Hinata, or anyone else on the team that way. Also, your face is red, and that's a dead giveaway too."

"Shit!" He proceeded to swiftly bring his hands up to his face, hiding behind his palms.

"...Is it a bad thing?" Yamaguchi said finally, peeking through his fingers.

She giggled. "Of course not!" Yamaguchi removed his hands, and stared down at her, surprised.

"I mean, why should it even matter? People are people, aren't they? Why should feelings be restricted based on a physical matter that we have no control over? It's not fair at all!" She huffed. (PREACH HONEY)

"Yachi-san, are you... bisexual?"

"What? no. I'm into girls sometimes and guys sometimes. I think I'm demisexual? But I'm not sure, and I don't want to put a label on it, so I just tend to go with the flow I guess."

Wow, she's surprisingly carefree about that.

"I haven't come out to my mom yet, because she's always complaining about that sort of thing... she's very old-fashioned. I'm sure my dad would be okay with it, though."

She started to fidget uncomfortably, which Yamaguchi took notice of. "H-hey, I'm really happy that I'm the first one you trust about this! And listen, narrow, one-track minded people may oppose you, but you just have to ignore them; they don't bother to see things how you see them, so you shouldn't let them get to you. Okay?"

Tsukki Doesn't Care [TsukkiYama fanfic | Haikyuu!!]Where stories live. Discover now