"She's Pretty Cute"

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Making friends, huh? I guess it can't hurt to try. Almost as if to Yamaguchi's command, a group of boys from his class walked over to him and started talking. Yamaguchi was miraculously able to hold up a conversation quite well, much to his own surprise especially. After a few minutes of just packing up, on of the boys said that one of their friends was sick and they had an extra movie ticket. They asked Yamaguchi if he wanted to come, and he almost immediately said yes. The group left together, and they even waited up for Yamaguchi to finish packing. And, for the first time in five years, Yamaguchi walked straight past Tsukki, not even bothering to think about telling him that he was hanging with some friends.

Tsukishima glanced up to see Yamaguchi leaving with a group of boys. After packing his bag, he put his headphones back on and started walking to the beat of the song. He was glad that he could walk all the way home to his own pace, not worrying about someone behind him spouting random nonsense in his ear. He smiled lightly at the ground, finally glad to have acquired some peace and quiet. When he walked past the street turn leading to Shimada Mart, nobody wasted his time by tapping his shoulder and saying they were going that way. When he walked past Yamaguchi's house on the way to his own, nobody screeched a goodbye with their irritatingly loud voice. Undoubtedly, fully, Tsukishima Kei was more than satisfied with what lie ahead of him. Finally. I can get some peace and quiet.

Tsukishima didn't need to spare a thought for Yamaguchi's feelings, for he seemed to be getting on well without him now. He even managed to make a few friends, and Yachi-san got along with him quite well. Nobody was getting hurt in this in the slightest, and it was good for them both.

Yamaguchi and his new friends went to a cafe after watching the movie. They talked about their daily lives, clubs, school, and obviously, girls. "Yamaguchi-san,"  one of them teased. "That manager of yours... what was her name again? Yuko? Yayoi?"

"Oh, you mean Yachi-san? Surprisingly, we have a lot in common. We both like similar things, and studying together during break was fun. She's a good friend!"

The other three sitting at the tiny round table looked straight at Yamaguchi, utterly confounded.

"Friend, you say?" One of them started.


"Listen, Yamaguchi-san, when a chance comes to you and you hit it off with a girl, there is no 'friend.'"

"...Huh?" Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly.
"Just wait for it. Eventually, there's gonna be a strong tension between you two when you hang out to just 'study.'"

I...really don't see that happening, Yamaguchi thought.

"That, my friend, is sexual tension."

"Huh?! No way. I mean, yeah, Yachi-san is nice and I think we could hit it off, but- well- that's just... NO!"

The three laughed. "Poor Yamaguchi-kun, ever so innocent."

You guy's aren't even that much older than me.

"So? Do you seriously think of her as just a friend?"


Yamaguchi hesitated for a moment, looking at his hands nervously as they fidgeted.

"I mean... yes? I think. Although it's true that after talking with her I feel like we got pretty close. And I started thinking... that she was really smart, and nerdy, and cute, and..."

In any aspect other than personality...kind of similar to Tsukki.

They laughed and patted his back. "You, Yamaguchi-kun, are in love."

He looked up to face them. "You really think so?!" They nodded.

"Try to get closer to her before asking her out. Girls never like guys who make immediate advances, trust me."

"Ah... okay..." Why would I trust you? What did you do?

After the three had their pastries they started to walk their separate ways. On Yamaguchi's way home, he noticed how his lips were pulled into a lingering smile. I managed to make friends by myself! He laughed at his own foolishness. Tsukki was really just holding me back, wasn't he?
When Yamaguchi got home, he greeted his mom, smiling ever so brightly. He went upstairs and finished his homework. At about 9:30, he was laying on his bed, listening to music.

Guess I was depressed over nothing.

That night, while Yamaguchi lay in bed, he fell asleep almost instantly, the smile on his face still lingering.

Tsukishima, on the other hand, had trouble sleeping. He was tossing and turning, trying to get into a comfortable position, but no matter what he did, he felt uneasy. The reason for this, he had no idea. Especially because his life was better now. He had no reason to be stressed. His grades were as high as ever, his club as normal as it could be, his night quiet. Assuming that it would just go away the next day, Tsukishima just ignored it. It's probably nothing.
There's nothing to worry about, after all.

The next day, Yamaguchi woke up at his signature time with the screaming of his alarm clock. He smacked it, got up, and walked to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair. After getting his clothes on and packing his bag, he said goodbye to his mom and opened the door, letting the cool fresh air hit his face. As usual, Tsukishima was standing at the telephone pole, scrolling through his phone. He looked up, gestured for Yamaguchi to walk over, and the two started walking alongside each other.

"Tsukki, are you okay? Did you get enough sleep last night?"


"You look tired."

"Shut up, Yamaguchi. I'm fine."

"Sorry Tsukki!"

...Is what Tsukishima expected Yamaguchi to say, but was followed by a silence and a pout from the person next to him.


"What's wrong with you? I just asked if you were okay."


The silence didn't stop until Yamaguchi's phone rang.

From: Hiiragi :D
Subject: Go Yama!!!
Message: Good luck, man! Slay the beast!!!

Yachi-san is a beast, now, huh? Yamaguchi was confused by the metaphor, but was happy nonetheless that someone texted him first. Tsukishima noticed Yamaguchi's fruitless attempt to hide his grin as he enthusiastically texted back.

To: Hiiragi :D
Subject: Re: Go Yama!!
Message: Wish me luck.

Tsukishima looked away and started going through his own phone again. Hopefully I can get some damn sleep tonight.

When the two got to the club room, Tsukishima started changing his clothes and looked over at Yamaguchi, who was just standing there awkwardly, looking down at his shoes. At first, he really didn't mind that Yamaguchi was giving him some space and making some friends of his own. But now, watching him stand there with such an inexplicable expression on his face, he knew that something happened. Tsukishima opened his mouth to talk, but hesitated. Why is this so hard all of a sudden, goddammit.

In the end, he decided not to confront him, but instead changed as slowly as possible, stopping to answer a text or look at his phone between every button. He occasionally glanced over at the inexplicable expression on Yamaguchi's face.

In time, the rest of the team started to walk in the door. This time, they noticed Yamaguchi's change in behavior, and kept looking at him with concerned eyes. Yamaguchi, on the other hand, continued to stand there spacing off. In the end, they decided not to confront him, as Daichi told them that he would talk to him later. Eventually Tsukishima gave in, finished changing, and walked out to join the others in the gym.

Even though Yamaguchi was one of the first people to get to school, he was the last one to walk into the gym.

Today, once again, Yamaguchi practiced serving by himself, repeatedly hitting the ball against the wall.

That is, until Yachi walked over with a towel and a water bottle.

Tsukki Doesn't Care [TsukkiYama fanfic | Haikyuu!!]Where stories live. Discover now