"Would you like to study together?"

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Yachi was trotting over to Yamaguchi carrying a water bottle and a towel.

"Yamaguchi-kun!" She called, getting his attention.

"Ah... Yachi-san! Oh, thank you." Yamaguchi thanked Yachi as he took the bottle out of her hands. He could've sworn that he saw Hinata give him a thumbs-up and a wink before receiving a ball with his face. Yamaguchi sighed before returning his attention to the short girl in front of him.



"I was wondering... I-if you wanted to study together at my house? We're having a test in my class on Friday, and there's some problems I don't really understand, so I was wondering if you could help me... Um! But if you don't want to or you're busy it's totally fine-"

"No! Uh-Yachi-san please calm down, I'll help you study!"


He nodded. Yachi beamed.

"Thank you Yamaguchi-kun!"

And with that, she walked away with a huge smile on her face, the slightest tint of pink brushed over her cheeks.

"Yamaguchi nice kill!!" Hinata yelled.

He smiled back at Hinata before continuing to practice his serves.

After a few minutes, Daichi split the team up into two for a practice game. Yamaguchi asked Daichi to not be placed with Tsukki, explaining that he wanted to work with others more. Daichi was still a bit perplexed, especially after the change in Yamaguchi's behavior that started the other week, but simply nodded and put them on different teams.

The game was surprisingly free of tension. Everyone assumed that something happened between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, but completely forgot about all suspicions when the practice game flowed normally. Yamaguchi's serves were visibly better and everyone complimented him. It's really not that hard to make friends, huh? I was worried for nothing.
Yamaguchi was grinning unconsciously the whole game, despite his side losing in the end.
Once again, Yamaguchi waited for everyone to leave the room before changing his clothes and walking out.

Tsukishima was standing there, leaning against the wall of the club room with his headphones around his neck. He looked up at Yamaguchi and lifted his hand to wave ever so slightly. He turned around and started walking before Yamaguchi could catch up to him.

Tsukishima was listening to music as the two were walking home. Yamaguchi was reading articles online when his phone buzzed and a notification showed up.

From: Yachi-san
Subject: Study time!!!
Message: After practice tomorrow, let's go to my house! Are you okay with staying until 7:00?

Yamaguchi giggled slightly. Tsukishima glanced over at him and read Yachi's text off of his screen. He huffed quietly so that Yamaguchi couldn't hear. Meanwhile, Yamaguchi was grinning widely, failing to suppress his excitement! Wow. What if she does like me? What if I end up getting a girlfriend??? Yamaguchi chuckled at the thought. He, who always followed behind Tsukki like his shadow, was about to get a girlfriend!

To: Yachi-san
Subject: Re: Study time!!!
Message: Sure! I'm allowed to stay out until nine usually, so keep me as long as you want!

Yamaguchi tapped the send button and tucked his phone away, smiling. Then his anxiety started creeping up on him again. Shit, what if that sounded weird? If I was her, that last sentence would creep me out too! Damnit.

Tsukki Doesn't Care [TsukkiYama fanfic | Haikyuu!!]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum