If It's Not One Thing

Start from the beginning

She shook her head as if I was telling some kind of lie, like I didn't have every reason to be truthful with her about everything that was going on. I need her to understand why I had done what I had done, she needed to know the reason why I had to sleep with Les. It was only to save her

"Bee, I'm going to leave but just know that everything I do out here is to make sure you and our kids are straight and don't ever doubt that, don't ever think I would do anything intentionally to hurt you! I'm gon' make it right I promise."

I hopped in my truck with not just one place in mind but two places actually. I couldn't lose my wife and kids for doing what I thought was right for my family, when Les presented me with option to save my wife I went for it without a second thought. She wouldn't tell me what the deal was until I was half drunk and desperate to save my wife, I was willing to do anything and she knew that, she took advantage of me and I fell for it.

I had already made up my mind that Leslie was gonna have to die too, it was the only way.

Amber POV

"We should probably get going, I don't wanna have the kids out too late." I'll call you first thing in the morning so we can talk." Amina told me before getting up from the table.

"Okay boo, I'm gonna be heading out as well, I got a busy day ahead of me, the store is getting a big shipment, I have court in the morning and the kids all have doctor's appointment." I sighed, feeling myself exhausted just by saying all the shit I had going on.

"What do you have court about?" Ebony question as if it was any of her business.

"If you must know I'm filing for a divorce." The look on not only her face but the face of almost everyone in the room held a shocked expression all but Amina and Ron.

"Di-divorce, why?" Carey asked. I was tired of putting on a front around my family about how my marriage was going because truth is, I needed them in my corner. "Well, not only did I catch him cheating again, he had the nerve to be in a public place with the young bitch, tell me I was doing too much when I tried to walk away after seeing them. I'm sick of being walked all over and treated as if I don't matter and I'm not worthy enough for him to be one hundred percent faithful to me and only me."

Ron dared not to say anything, he knew I was done and there was no coming back from this. I stood to my feet preparing to get my kids and get home to rest for a long day ahead.

"And you're gonna just let her leave, no fighting no nothing huh?" Ebony asked Ron who just shrugged. "I fucked up, I tried to make it right but she's done so we're done fuck I gotta keep begging for?" I was a bit taken aback by his choice of words.

"You're not gonna beg, nigga you need to be on hands on and knees Begging her not to leave your ass high and dry." Ebony fussed. "Fuck that, I tried to begging shit ain't get me nowhere but right here still going through a damn divorce." Ron tried pleading but no one was buying.

"I swear to the man above I dropped you on your head too many times, must have knocked some of your damn screws lose. You think that a sappy ass I'm sorry, or a couple bags and shit gon' make this lady forgive you, you need to be by your damn self, fuck is wrong with you man you too damn old to still be sleeping around and doing other dumb shit that's gonna hurt those kids in the end because that's who it's all about." Ebony added.

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